(Angelic ball) Part - 10

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(Y/N) stood in awe before the towering, crystal-white building that housed the Angelic Ball. Its grandeur surpassed anything they had imagined, its pristine façade shimmering under the celestial light. As they gazed up at the magnificent structure, a sense of wonder washed over them, mingled with a touch of trepidation.

A grand staircase, wide and adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of celestial beauty, led up to the entrance of the building. Each step seemed to stretch into eternity, beckoning attendees with its majestic allure. The marble stairs gleamed under the radiant glow of heavenly light, casting an ethereal aura over the procession of celestial beings ascending its steps.

Surrounded by a sea of other angels and pure souls, (Y/N) felt a surge of anticipation building within them. The air buzzed with excitement and anticipation, the collective energy of the attendees palpable as they eagerly made their way towards the grand event.

The sight of so many celestial beings, adorned in radiant garments and exuding an aura of purity, filled (Y/N) with a sense of humility and reverence. They couldn't help but feel like a mere nobody amidst such divine company, their own imperfections starkly contrasting against the ethereal beauty of those around them.

Despite their initial apprehension, (Y/N) couldn't deny the thrill of being part of such a prestigious gathering. The Angelic Ball represented an opportunity for them to observe Adam and gather valuable information for their mission.

(Y/N) ascended the grand staircase, their steps echoing against the polished marble beneath their feet. The imposing structure of the building loomed overhead, its pristine façade reflecting the brilliance of the celestial light. 

As they gazed around in awe at the radiant faces and shimmering attire of the other attendees, a sense of inadequacy gnawed at the edges of their consciousness. The sheer perfection and beauty of those around them only served to highlight their own flaws and imperfections, casting doubt upon their place in such divine company.

"I really don't belong here..." (Y/N) muttered to themselves, their voice barely audible above the murmurs of excitement and anticipation that filled the air. They felt like an outsider amidst a gathering of celestial beings who had earned their place in heaven through their virtuous deeds and unwavering devotion.

As (Y/N) finally reached the top of the grand staircase and approached the entrance, they spotted Emily and Sera standing outside, welcoming guests with warm smiles.

(Y/N)'s heart sank as they saw them, a sinking feeling settling in their stomach. "Oh... shit," they muttered under their breath, their anxiety mounting with each step closer to the entrance.

Determined to avoid drawing attention, (Y/N) quickened their pace and merged into the crowd, their gaze fixed on the ground as they maneuvered through the sea of celestial beings.

"Shit... if Emily greets me... or even talks to me... Sera's gonna know we've been talking," (Y/N) muttered to themselves, their mind racing with worry. The prospect of facing Sera's warnings weighed heavily on them, adding to the already overwhelming sense of unease that gripped their thoughts.

As (Y/N) weaved through the crowd, they couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every passing glance felt like a silent accusation, as if the eyes of the other attendees could see through the façade they desperately clung to. The weight of their secrets pressed down on them, making each step feel heavier than the last.

Finally reaching the entrance, (Y/N) instinctively turned away from Emily and Sera, hoping to blend into the throng of guests without drawing any unwanted attention. But just as they thought they might slip by unnoticed, Emily's voice pierced through the ambient chatter like a beacon in the night.

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