"Don't forget who you are"
I got it for you don't you know
Not just to stop myself from hurting me
But as a reminder to me
You don't have to let the whims of a man
Determine your actions
I will try not to forget who I amI might be your soulmate
But I think I'm more like your plaything
You want it sometimes
But not all the time
Never all the time
You play with it for an hour
And then get bored
Move on to the next toy
And I sit and I wait
For the next time you decide
I'm worth playing withI thought you played with me
Because you loved me
No you love me
Because you can play with me
Because I let you
Toss me around like
Your actions figures when you were eightI thought I was doing something worthwhile
Allowing myself to be played with
By the broken pieces of a boy
I thought I was healing you
But you didn't want me to heal you
You wanted me to pass time for you
To comfort you when you were sadI thought maybe just maybe
In the end id be more than a toy to you
But the truth is now out
To you I'm a toy
Because you throw me around
To you I'm just a toy
A way to pass the timeBut in the end
Don't forget who you are
The meaning might stick
And I'll go from being the toy
That a broken little boy plays with
To being someone who will be loved
And seen as irreplaceable
And not just a way to pass the time
But as someone to spend all the time with
Don't forget who you are
You are more than a toy
Made to be played with
By little broken boys
Things to know
Poetrythis is a poetry book filled with poems that describe how I feel about myself, and some of them describe my relationships with some people, and the last few were just inspiration that hit and they came out on the paper