Meet Sasha Emi

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About the character: Half Human Half Cat

Name: Sasha Emi

Parents/Gurdian: Mother- Makoto Emi
Father- where abouts unknown

Pet: Gray kitten- Ciel


Hair Length- long hair/slightly above the knees

Hair Color/s- black with pink highlights

Eye Color- Hazel/green

Hair Style- down or braided and bangs

School Uniform: Male

Extra appearances: dark bags under her eyes

Wears a necklace she's always had since young

Has contacts for when she goes to school and glasses when home

Cat ears and tail

Everyday Life: Reads books and mangas. Has all sorts of catergories of manga. She watches anime on her computer when there's no need to study. Sasha loves her mother and kitten dearly. Sasha is even allowed little sake once awhile. Sasha and her mother love to have a drink together once in awhile. She goes to a gym pool and swims when closed. A worker and the manager are like Sasha and allow this. Sasha does have a couple friends but she mostly hangs out with Amber. Due to studying hard she managed to get into Ouran.

Personality: It depends on her mood with who or what's going on. Mostly monotone though, like her mother. Extremely loves manga and anime. Enjoys the water even though she's half human and half cat. Will go into dazes when really hungry. Can sometimes act odd and curious.

Extra info: Sasha can't feel pain except for her first time transforming into a cat. When in fights, she always laughed or just got annoyed. Her cat ears and tail due to being half cat and half human but she can't transform to her full human body. So when at school, she wraps her tail around her waist to avoid someone tugging on her tail. Her mother considers Sasha as a late bloomer. When it comes to fights, Sasha is extremely efficient and can leave with a few scrapes. Sasha has a few friends out in America but Amber is Sasha's best friend. A year older than Amber.

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