So What?

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"Hinata!" I covered my ears trying to sleep. "Fuck you..." I muttered quietly but felt someone start to pull my ears. I sat up, glaring at whoever it was. "What?" The twins snickered and tugged my ears again. I growled quietly before shaking my head. "Stop, that's annoying," I said, rubbing head gently as my ears twitched slightly. 

They laughed and I yawned, stretching, "You fell asleep, how could you?" Humming, I pet my tail in my hands. "Sorry, what were you talking about?" One huffed and placed a hand on my cheek, leaning closer to my face. "You need to listen, Sasha." I gasped and moved back but I fell off the back of the couch. My cheeks were hot and I growled at myself.

"That's a win for us." 

"Shut up!" I yelled, looking over the couch, glaring at them. "We are in the lead by three." I got up and dusted my clothes off. "Goddammit. I will win this, you two." I pointed at them then narrowed my eyes. "Wait, I just realized. Your hair is parted in different ways." 

They looked at each other before looking at me. "You just realized that?" I raised a fist, an irritated smile growing on my face. "I really want to murder you two." After awhile I was stuck watching them do the game 'Which one is Hikaru' game. 

I knew who was who because I had the cat nose. "Hinata-chan, do you know who is Hikaru?" I sighed and shrugged. "It's easy I guess. They smell a bit different." The girl looked at me. "Smell?" I gasped and shook my head. "I mean seem a bit different but hard to guess." She smiled and nodded.

"That's the dumbest game I've ever heard," Haruhi said as she walked passed. I snickered quietly as they put hands on their hips and looked at her. "What? Have you got a problem with it, Haruhi?" 

"Not really. I just don't understand why the two of you are popular?" Their reactions was kinda amusing. "That's not very nice," they said. I shook my head as I tried to follow along.

"And besides, who hasn't fantasized about twins? Having two loves is better than, don't you think?" One asked, putting their fingers under a customer's chin. "It's a young woman's fantasy." The other did the same. 

Then came in running a Tamaki making me get up and walk behind the twins. 

"Hikaru! Kaoru! Hinata!" We hummed in confusion. "When I gave you control of the club's website, I did so on one condition, that you take it seriously."

"We take our job very serious boss," One said, waving a hand. "In fact, last night we worked on it till dawn," the other said, waving both hands. I hummed. "Boss, we take it very serious if we stay up till dawn."

Tamaki raised the computer above his head. "Is this what you've been working on so hard to create!" I snickered quietly at the photo of Haruhi. "Haruhi looks great Boss. What's the big problem?" I asked, put each elbow on the twin's shoulder. 

Girls surrounded the computer as we stood from them. "Tell me when?" We all looked at him. "Huh?"

"When did you take naked picture of Haruhi!?" We watched as he crouched down, holding his head, imagining something we didn't do. "You bribed her, didn't you?" The twins shrugged. "You're imaging things." I laughed. "It's obvious the photos have been altered," I said with one of the twins.

"He looked at us with a hopeless look. "It's photoshopped?" He asked and the twins smiled proudly. "We did a great job, didn't we?" I hummed, looking at them. "We've got some major photoshopping skills." I gave a thumbs up. "Cool, ain't it."

Tamaki stood up angrily and looked at us three. "You idiots! That's a waste of talent! Have you no shame! If you're going to do it anyway, can you photoshop her into this idol photo-book?" He held a book, showing us three. "Don't be ridiculous, boss. Why don't you just ask if she would wear an outfit like that?" The twins declared. 

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