Meet Amber John

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About the character: Human

Name: Amber John

Parents/Guardian: Mother/Father- dead
Brother- Aoi John

Pet: pup greyhound- Mouse


Hair length- slightly below shoulders

Hair Color/s- white with gray

Eye Color- blue

Hair Style- down

School Uniform- Female

Extra appearances: wavy hair


Ears pierced

Everyday Life: Lives with older brother, Aoi, and their greyhound puppy, Mouser. She cooks and clean while Aoi goes to work. Amber leaves some dinner in the microwave if he comes home late. When she doesn't have anything to do, she'll go over to Sasha's place with Mouser to study.

Personality: Very energetic and cheerful. Amber always has a smile on her face. She loves adorable and cute things. She can shy at times but really loud and giggly at the random times. She doesn't let bullies get to her often but she still can't stand up for herself.

Extra info: Both parents died in accident when Amber was almost 6. Aoi and Amber lived with Sasha till Aoi was allowed to be her guardian. Before meeting Sasha, Amber was a bit weak which made her more vulnerable. Once Sasha met Amber they became best friends. Amber often worries for her friend who takes the hits but is always grateful. With the extra studying she got, Amber got a scholarship just like Sasha. Amber is a year younger than Sasha.

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