The Party

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran Highschool Host Club

"Hinata, slowly follow Nagisa-kun's footsteps." Kyoya said as he watched me completely fail at dancing. "How can I do that if I'm stepping on the poor girl's feet." Amber sat down with Honey while eating cake with him. "I told you. He just can't dance right."

Sighing, I focused my gaze at my feet trying to follow Nagisa's footsteps. "Hinata-kun, you need to look at your partner." Nagisa commented and I looked at her. "I can't. I keep stepping on your feet." Nagisa slowed the speed and smile. "Lets take it slow then. Slowly move to the beat while looking at me." Clenching my jaw, she gave me a reasurring smile. "Trust me."

*Moments before*

"Hello, Hinata-kun." Blinking, Nagisa stood in front of me with a closed eye smiles. Looking at her, my gaze went to Haruhi who was dancing with some other female. I looked back at Nagisa and nodded. "Hello." Kyoya came and patted my shoulder. "Nagisa-kun is going to teach you how to dance for the party." Nagisa nodded and Amber came with a smile. "She excels in dancing. So she might be able to teach you."

I started to back away slowly but I was picked up from my under arms and carried towards Nagisa. "No escape, Hinata-kun." The devil twins said in unison. Looking over my shoulder, Mori was the one who carried me. "Shall we start?" Nagisa asked and grabbed my hand.


'I couldn't escape these rich morons hosts. They blocked me from getting out.' When looking at Nagisa, I stumbled a bit but got the hang of it. "Go, Hinata-chan! You're getting the hang of it!" Amber cheered and Nagisa nodded. "See? We even sped up a bit but you didn't seem to notice." We stopped dancing and then Amber came up.

"Let me dance with you and then you're done." Nagisa nodded and we got into the dancing position. "Go!" She yelled cheerfully and started to dance with me. Kyoya watched and nodded. "Maybe it was a good idea for Nagisa-kun to help." Amber stopped and cheered. "That means Hinata-chan can dance at the party!" I covered my ears and groaned. "Aye. That's right."

Tamaki gloomed in his corner. While eveyone talked, I went to him and pat his shoulder. "Hey. You alright?" I sat next to him and blocked my eyes from the sun. Tamaki hummed and looked at me with a gloomy and depress look. "Is this really over a simple girl? I thought you would have been use to the whole host-switching disease." He sighed and leaned on the wall. "I don't know. Haruhi took my customer." I stared at him and flicked his forehead. "Oi. Kasugazaki-san likes to hop from host to host. So what? A host shouldn't be down over a hopper. She could have reasons we don't know." Tamaki rubbed his forehead and looked at me.

He cracked a small smile and patted my head. "Thanks, Sasha-chan. I just can't take you serious with a face like that." Tamaki said and I rubbed my head against his hand a bit before standing up. "C'mon. We got things to do." He nodded before staring out the window again. Shaking my head slightly, Amber stood beside Kyoya and it look like they were discussing something. I walked towards them and poked their foreheads.

"Where did Haruhi and Kasugazaki-san go?" Kyoya poked my forehead and pointed at thehost club doors. "Haruhi went and took Kasugahimethe infirmary." Nodding, I crossed my arms. "Is ther any chance the host club can discuss Kasugazaki-san's status and extra?" Ambed raised a brow and looked at me.

"Why?" I started to tug on her cheeks and my eye twitched. "You idiot. Kasugazaki-san might be trying to get someone's attention. Hopping from host to host. Male to male. It can sometimes equal jealously and confession then blah, blah, blah, blah." Amber whined as I continued to tug them.

"You guys have such a good relationship." Turning my head, I saw Nagisa with smile. "I...uh brought  you a lunch. Please accept it." She bowed slightly again. I let go of Amber's cheek and turned to her completely. "You don't need to do that. I will accept the lunches you make. They're delicious and good." Nagisa looked at me and blushed a little. Amber giggled slightly. "I told you. You'll be a perfect host." She whispered. Roling my eyes, I looked at Nagisa. "Mind if we go to a table and eat. I would so love to eat right now." We walked to a table and had eaten lunch together till we had to start class together.

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