Fuck You Too

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I leaned against my hand, barely listening to anything Amber was saying. I remembered what Mom said and sighed quietly, rubbing my eyes.

"We'll go to the festival this weekend. It's not here long." Mom said, putting on her shoes.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "We go there and then what?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Find someone who catches your interest. A bunny, dog, or another cat. You didn't do anything during your heat, probably why you're feeling off."

"If it isn't?"

She looked at me and grinned. "You, my dear, are crushing on someone."


I gasped and looked up to see Amber with a confused look. "Are you OK? You seem pale?" She placed both hands on my cheeks, moving my hair to the side.

"Yeah, just tired." I sighed quietly, ruffling my hair back. I grabbed a slice of cake in front of me and started to eat before it was pulled from me.

"Ah, ah, ah, something healthy."

I rolled my eyes and laid back. "Please, be joking."

She shook her head and gasped. "Oh, I'm gonna be late!" She kissed my forehead and flicked my nose. "Stay awake!" I blinked and rubbed my nose.


Amber grinned and pinched my nose. "I'll be back!" Then she ran out.

I rubbed my nose. "What's her deal?"


I jumped when someone jumped on my back and turned to see Honey, smiling. "Hey."

"Ready?" He asked, letting me go. I raised a brow. "For what?" I questioned and regretted when I saw a Tamaki in some armor.

"Oh, hell no." I said, backing away. Honey smiled widely and grabbed my hands. "It'll be fun!" Then I looked at Rin who was sitting on the ground, dog.

My jaw dropped. "You little." He barked and stood up, tail wagging.

Then looked at Tamaki who grinned widely. "Please?"

I felt my eye twitch, trying to think of an answer.

"I'll take that as a yes!"



Kyoya chuckled quietly and shrugged. "Not bad."

I smiled irritatedly. "I feel like I came right out of Berserk." I said, looking at the twins, who were facing away from me. I could see their shoulders shaking and twitched when I heard their snickering.

"Hey!" I shouted.

They both turned around, laughing. "You look ridiculous!" They shouted, pointing at me.

"You little shits! Get over here!" I yelled, going after them. They screamed and ran. Then Rin ran in front of me and everything went spinning and bam.

I groaned quietly, seeing everyone upside down. "Why are you guys upside down?" I asked, trying to focus my eyes.

"You're upside down." Tamaki said, walking to me. I groaned and felt myself slowly move down, butt to wall.

Rin stood over me, tilting his head, towel around his waist. "You good?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes. "You are not allowed in that green dog body here at this school."

He whined quietly. "Didn't mean to." He helped me up and patted my hair down. "There!" He smiled.


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