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I let Haruhi rubbed the towel on my cheek as she shook her head. "Did you have to fight them?" She asked, while Amber stood behind her with a pack of ice in her hand. Haruhi grabbed a large band-aid and put it over the scrape on my cheek while I shrugged. "They were begging for it." I muttered, wincing at the weird feeling on my shoulder. "Sasha-chan, you didn't have to go." Amber said, holding the ice pack to my shoulder. "You should've stayed and helped me keep Tamaki from causing a scene." Haruhi said, an irritated smile on her lips. I smiled a little and itched my head. "Yeah, sorry. Talk about date failed."


Suddenly, my shoulders were pulled and I was facing Tamaki. "This was a date!" I blinked and tilted my head. "Is that a problem?" I asked before feeling him shake my shoulders. "A date! You took my daughter on a date?" I groaned, feeling dizzy. "Tamaki, getting dizzy." I said, he pouted, hugging Haruhi. "Why did you guys go on a date?" I rubbed my head and pointed to a nearby cafe. "Couples get free food and free three tries on the games. I thought there would be fancy tuna but that didn't happen." I grimaced at the thought. "I wish there was though."

"Wow, Sash-chan."

Two arms were on my shoulders and I saw the two devils near. "You might like Haruhi?" They asked. I blinked and smacked both of their cheeks. "Don't talk nonsense, idiots." I looked to the left to see Kaoru then looked to my left to see Hikaru. They both rubbed their cheeks, sticking their tongues out. I shook my head, laughing slightly. "Now, why are you guys here?" I asked, pulling Kaoru's cheek. He whined quietly before rubbing my cat ear. "We over heard your conversation and wanted to see if was true." We let go of each other and I tried to think of how they overheard before realizing they could've been behind a couch, listening. Maybe they put a microphone in my clothes.

I started to look at my clothes, tugging my pants and shirt. Then I looked at my shoes. "What are you doing, Sasha?" I looked at Honey and pointed to the twins. "Look for microphones, they might've put it in your clothes." 


"It's true."

Haruhi shook her head before making me face her and start to wipe my nose. "For now, no more fights otherwise you're gonna be dealing with questions and no sleep." The thought terrifies me. "I think I'll stay or of trouble for now." She nods before putting a band-aid over my nose. "Just a few more places. Who won?"

I raised a brow. "What?" She moved my hair. "Who won? You or them?" I blinked before giving a small smile. "It's gonna take a lot more to take me down." She chuckled, putting another band-aid on my forehead. "If you lost, I would be giving you a reason for more band-aids." I rubbed my nose and nodded. "You got it. Win if I get into a fight." She flicked my nose. "No fighting period. Unless you were provoked." I cringed, actually thinking she has a plan.

"Yes, ma'am." She pinched my cheeks and started to pet me. "Good girl." I purred, rubbing into her hands. "Who's Rin? Marie said he was calling you." Amber asked, tilting her head. I paused before getting up. "Marie!" I shouted, jumping over the counter and walked into the kitchen.

"Wait! Sasha! You can't just go in!" I ignored their yells and looked around till I saw Marie talking on a stool. She looked at me and squealed. "Here she is!" Then she got up and tackled me to the ground again. "Here! Here! RinRin is on the phone!" She pressed the phone to my ear and I groaned.


"Sasha!" A loud voice erupted making me cringe. "Rin?" I questioned, trying to sit up. "Yes! You are there! I thought Mom was lying!" I laughed quietly, hearing he hasn't changed. "You know she doesn't lie."

"OK, OK, that's true. Your English is pretty good, Sasha." He laughed. "Well, why thank you, good sir Rin." I said, Marie letting me up. She smiled widely and left me with her phone. I didn't even realize I was speaking English. "So, guess what, Sasha." I raised a brow and sat on the counter. "What? You coming back for the small festival?"

He was quiet till there was whining. "How did you know?" I snorted before going quiet myself. Wait. "I got it right!?" I shouted loudly before having something hitting my head. "What the fuck?"

I looked at what hit me to see a wooden spoon. Then someone cleared their throat and I look over to see Marie tapping her foot. I gave a small wave, Rin chanting my name. "Sorry, got hit by a wooden spoon." I rubbed my head and played with the wooden spoon with my foot as it sat on the ground. "Oh. Since you're not whining it means you're not in pain."

"Yep. Still can't feel a thing." I clenched my hand and grinned. "What about you? How's the swimteam down in America?"

"Uh...right now?"

I raised a brow. "Yes, right now. You're with them, right?" I asked, tapping my foot. There was a small hum. He sounded a bit nervous. "Rin? What's going on?" I heard him whine. "I can't remember where I live! It's been so long since I've been on Japan!" I blinked before starting to laugh. "Rin, you idiotic puppy! Marie will probably be there for you. Wait, you're here?"

"Yes! You dummy cat! I just got off the plane!"

I looked at Marie and I yelled out, seeing her right there. "Marie!" I shouted, a hand over my chest. She giggled and held her hand out. She had her brown coat on, purse in hand, and hair in a messy ponytail. "I need to go, Sasha." I mewed quietly and slumped. "Marie needs her phone, RinRin. Talk to soon."

"Yes! Talk to you soon!" He cheered before I hung up. I handed the phone to Marie and we were both quiet before I cheered loudly, fist in the air. "Yes! Finally! I can't wait!" Marie giggled, patting my shoulder. "No one stays monotone forever." I looked at her before nodding. "Apparently not."

She smiled and started to walk out, back to the counter, me following. "I'll call if anything happens." I bowed and gave a small smile. "Thank you, Marie." She gave her close eyes smile and nodded. "No problem. You can start speaking japanese. Your poor friends are probably confuse."

I looked to the side to see Amber and the host club giving me some confused looks. I rubbed my neck and smiled widely. "Heh, sorry guys. I was on the phone with an old friend." I jumped over the counter and Marie hit my head. "Don't do that!" I laughed nervously, rubbing my head as she started to nag me.

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