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I pulled my hair into a simple ponytail and looked at my clothes. The black converse, holed jeans, a black T-shirt and white long sleeves. I nodded to myself and groaned, falling back onto the couch. I reached my hand up and stared at it.

Then I saw Mom walk out and she had a piece of bread in her mouth. When she looked at me then my hand. She gave me a high-five and continued to walk, leaving me confuse. "Mom?" I questioned, looking at her. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "Have fun."


"Not too much though. I don't want to hear you crying and moaning."

"Mom! It's a girl!"

It was silent between us and then she had a glint in her eye. "I totally ship it then. Bring her home and have fun!" I blushed and shook my head. "Mom!"

"What? Don't know what t-"

"I'm leaving first!!" I yelled, grabbing my phone and running out. "Call me if you need!"

"I can listen to my Brad Paisley while you guys do it!" She shouted out the door, waving. I gave a small horror look and plugged my earbuds in. "That's just, no, no." I put them in my ears and shook my head.

'Just there for the food and tuna and desserts. Haruhi could b-'

I yelled out, ruffling my hair at the sudden pervert thought. When I looked around, people were looking at me and I gasped before walking quickly to Haruhi's house.

I looked around before seeing Haruhi walking out to the side and smiled. She was wearing a cute dress. Nothing fancy, just very her. "Haruhi!" I yelled and she looked at me and smiled. She waved her hand and I ran to her. "You look cute." I commented and she hummed, looking at her dress. "Not too much?"

"It suits you." I held my hand out and she grabbed it with a smile. I started to walk, pulling my earbuds out. I looked at our hands before nodding. I hummed quietly at the warmth.

"Hey, Sasha."

I glanced at Haruhi. "Yeah?" She looked at me with a small smile. "You're smiling." I blinked confused before realizing my cheeks were slight sore. "I was." She gave a close eye smile. "How do you know of this place?"

"It was something I visit this area regularly when a cat. I use to come as a kitten though. I enjoyed it, I guess." I noticed that we were starting to get closer and hummed. "I see. So, does Amber know?" I shook my head. "I have too many horrible memories here. I can only remember the good ones."

She squeezed my hand gently before gasping. "Look at this. The lights are perfect and there are games." I chuckled at her curious look. "Wanna try a game?" I asked and she shrugged. "OK." We both walked to a booth to see bottles stacked on top of each other. I hummed and raised a hand.

"Couple?" The man asked.

I nodded. "Knock all of the bottles down and you win a prize. Two tries." He gave me two plastic tennis balls and moved. I held a ball to Haruhi and she grabbed it. "You try then me?" She smiled and nodded. She stared at the stack intently and she stuck her tongue out before throwing. I watched as the bottles all fell and gaped my mouth.

"Oh crap." I muttered. She smiled and patted my shoulder. "Go." I stuck my tongue at her before staring at my stack and just as I was about to throw it, I was bumped into, making me miss.

Haruhi laughed while I looked behind me to see a few guys walking away. The scent made me growl quietly. 'Dogs. I may be a cat but I will cause damage.'

"Sasha, look."

I stopped and looked at Haruhi to see her with a small chibi cat. "I won and you lost." I snorted and ruffled her hair. "I had dirt in my eyes." I lied and she laughed. "Really?" I nodded and walked, arm on her shoulders. "Yeah. I was gonna throw but the wind threw dirt in my face right when I was gonna throw."

She shook her head. "I didn't think you would let sand stop you." I moved away, walking in front of her and backwards. "I am hurt and loved. You believed in something that I didn't. Plus, I would never let dirt ge-"

"You did though. That's why we're talking about it now." She tilted her hear, smiling. I groaned and stood beside her. "You win. I hate to admit it but you win." She laughed and we visited a couple more booths.

As we were looking for another, my stomach growled loudly making us both look down. "I ate before leaving the house." I said, slightly monotone. Haruhi hummed. "I'm hungry too. Let's go find a cafe."

We looked around before I spotted one. "Hey, there's one I use to visit." I pointed and she nodded. "OK. Let's go. I want to see what it's like." I hummed, grabbing her hand and leading her through the small crowd.

When we made it, I stared at the doors, memories flooding in. "It feels like it's been forever." I muttered. "You're smiling again." I shook my head, letting my usual frown come. "Am not. Let's just go eat. I want some sweets."

I opened the door, letting her in. She gave a nod and walked in. It wasn't crowded but empty either. Then I recognized someone right away.

"Marie!!" I yelled.

The blonde woman turned her head around and smiled widely. "Sasha! Oh my god! Look at you!" Then before I knew it, I was on the ground. "Auntie... you're on me."

Haruhi tilted her head. "You alright?" I gave a thumbs up and Marie got up, pulling me with her. "It's been so long since I've seen your cute little ears. My, my, my, you stopped visiting."

I rubbed my neck and shrugged. "I had to take care of a few things." She scolded and put both hands on her hips. "You beat some kids senseless for bullying others. I'm surprise that you haven't gone to school here."

"I'm going to Ouran. That rich people school."

She looked taken aback. "Oh dear. You got scholarship or something? Pay or what?" I grabbed her hands. "I got in." She squealed, hugging me. "See! I told you, homeschooling wasn't gonna stop you!"

I smiled and nodded. Then she looked over my shoulder. "Who's this?" I turned to Haruhi and patted her shoulder. "Haruhi. We are part the host club as males." Marie smiled and hugged Haruhi. "Aren't you beautiful. Why would you bring her here?"

"Free desserts/tuna." Haruhi and I said together.

Marie giggled and threw an arm over my shoulders. "When are you going back to America. RinRin is waiting for you." I raised a brow and itched my chin. "I thought he came back?"

Marie sighed deeply and dramatically. "Sadly, not. He wants to stay with that asshole he calls a father." I leaned towards Haruhi's ear. "He's not so bad." I mumbled and she looked at me with a confused look.

"Well, let me get you guys some food." She pinched my cheeks and walked off leaving me grimace. "That woman is gonna be the death of me." Haruhi chuckled quietly. "She seems nice." I hummed quietly. "RinRin?"

I raised a brow before muttering an 'oh'. "He's an old, old friend. Before Amber. A puppy when I met him. Late bloomers are teased." She hummed and leaned against me. "If only the others were here. You seem more, relaxed here."

I nodded, taking in the cookie scent. "Yeah, it's been forever since I've been here." She hummed before Marie came back with plates. "We didn't have fancy tuna but we had this and it's our best. Then we have the strawberry and chocolate cake."

Haruhi sighed quietly before taking some of the sushi roll and her eyes sparkled making Marie giggle. I grabbed a fork and took a bite from the cake and I hummed. "Still good as ever!" I shouted. Marie smiled before looking over my shoulder and frowned.

"Sasha, a few guys have been staring at you. Do you know why?" She pointed behind me and I looked before growling quietly. 'The three from earlier...'

"I have one idea. Marie, I'll be right back. Haruhi, the club is here and will be in a moment." I walked towards the door and one of them smirked before nodding in a direction.

I walked through the crowd near them till we were pretty much alone. I think I even saw the members of the host club. I crossed my arms, clenching my teeth. "What the hell do you three want?"

"Oh, don't be so harsh Sash-chan~"

I smirked widely before cracking my knuckles and tilted my head. "Are you ready for a fight, Tak-chin~?"

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