How Cute

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I sat on the Bratty Shiro's lap as he patted my ears. He was just sitting on the piano seat while staring. His pets were so gentle though and I start to purr, listening to him as he played a few notes. It was calming in a way.

My ears twitch and I nip his thumb as he touched my whiskers making him yelp and stare at me. "Don't bite. I'm still wondering how a stray got in." I meowed at the statement.

"If only you could talk." I jumped onto his shoulders and laid down. He hummed quietly while I purred. Then out of nowhere, he got up, making me jump off his shoulders.

"Sasha!" I looked over and saw Haruhi with her hands out. I walked and jumped into her arms. She chuckled and pet me with a smile. Haruhi hummed quietly. "The girl Shiro likes is on her way."

Water was sprayed in my face and I shook my head irritatedly. I looked over to see Amber by Kyoya, innocently standing there. When we got to the music room, the twins toss me behind a curtain and then my uniform.

"Hurry up." They said before shutting it. I meowed lowly and closed my eyes before suddenly feeling cold. "Holy motherfucker! It's cold!" I yelled out, standing up and reaching for my underwear. When I got those on, the curtain cracked to show Haruhi. We both stared at each other before she closed it, cheeks pinks.

"S-Sorry." She said and I nodded. "It's alright." I grabbed the sports bra, putting it on, followed by the rest of my uniform. When I braided my hair, I walked out and snorted. "We forget that happen if you go on a date with me."

Haruhi looked up at me. "Why?" I groaned quietly. "I get some free fish and sweets by this amusement park and it's free when you bring a date." I whispered, stuffing my hands into my pockets. "Fancy tuna?" She asked and I nodded. "Yep." We both looked at each other and she nodded.

"I agree to this weird date." She said and we both nod before hearing a piano. We walked where the rest of the group was and saw Tamaki playing. I tilted my head and listened with a small smile.

"Pulling my tail? Wanna die early?"

They both smiled nervously, waving their hands. "Nope." Hikaru started. "We want to at least have children." I nodded and looked back at Shiro and Tamaki. "We have a couple more minutes to wait." Then I felt my cat ears being rubbed. I start to purr, lowering my head.

"Sasha, you really like your ears being rubbed." When it stopped I groaned quietly. "Haruhi, don't do that. Keep going." She smiled her hand went back to my ear and started to rub it then my head. I purred, not really wanting her to stop.

Water sprayed in my face making me gasp and looked at Amber. She giggled and sat down. "Time to line up." I groaned and wiped my face, Haruhi fixing my hair.

I stood by Mori and Honey as I cleared throat. Honey turned to me and massaged my cheeks. "Smile when she comes in." I nodded with a thumb up. He smiled widely before turning to the door. The second the door opened, I instinctively smiled.

"Welcome, Princess."

We all watched the little girl enter and Tamaki walked to the chair, pulling it back. Whatever he said, sent a wide smile on that girl's face. I crossed my arms and tilted my head as I listened to the two play something. 'This is so cute.' The feeling of someone poking my side caught my attention and I looked down to see Amber smiling.

"Someone is outside."

I raised a brow and scoffed. "Amber, I want to listen to them." I nodded to the two kids playing and she sighed. "Nagisa wants to confess." I shook my head. "No. I want t-"

"I'll go with you."

We looked at Haruhi, who smiled. "Rejecting makes you feel guilty." I bit my lip before nodding. "We get this over with quickly." Amber nodded and held two thumbs up. "Good luck."

I shook my head and Haruhi grabbed my hand, leading me out. I followed along and looked at our hands. It was hot though. It was nice. "Haruhi, wouldn't someone want to confess with the person they like?"

Haruhi nodded, looking at me. "Yes, but you seem to be one with lots of guilt. Think of it as a reply to taking me for fancy tuna." I smiled a little before she stopped. "I'll wait." I nodded and walked to where Nagisa was and sighed.

She was standing there, hands in front of her, waiting. I cleared my throat and she turned to me and smiled widely. "Hinata." I gave a nod and stuffed my hands into my pocket. "What did you need?"

"I like you. Go out with me."

I raised a brow and shook my head. "I'm sorry. I can't do that." She gave a small frown and twiddled her fingers. "Why not? I thought you weren't with someone." I rolled my eyes and tilted my head. "That's true and I still am. I just don't like you in that sort of way."

She looked down slightly. "Do you like someone already?" I snorted before taking a small glance where Haruhi was and blinked. "Uh, no. I don't." Nagisa looked at me and smiled. "Then maybe you can slowly fall for me."

I scoffed and rubbed my forehead. "Nagisa, you're beautiful and intelligent. I'm a commoner who isn't who he says he is." I said and she held her arm, frowning. "Is it Amber?" I snorted. "She's like a littler sister. Nagisa, I'm sorry but I can't return your feelings." I turned to start walking.

"I know your secret."

I froze and took a side glance at her. "What secret? I'm full of them." I heard her give a small gulp. "You aren't male, are you?" She asked, taking a step towards me. I turned to her fully and narrowed my eyes. "My name is Sasha Emi. I am a full female. I am currently paying a debt that I need to take care of."

"I-If you don't go out with me... I'll reveal your secret." She stammered, staring at me, slightly nervous. I narrowed my eyes before smirking widely and clenching my fist as my knuckles cracked. "Go on then."


"Reveal my secret. Do it. Make me regret for not falling for you." I snapped and turned to walk away again. When I turned the corner, Haruhi stared at me. "She wasn't at all I was expecting." I started, making my way to the music room again.

Haruhi gasped and ran to catch up. "What about the club?" I stopped and felt my eye widen at the thought. 'No host club to go to?' I gulped and sighed slowly. "Then I guess I'll get a job to pay off my debt."


"I don't want to but this is my backup plan. If my customers still come then at least that's something." She stood in front of me and tilted her head. "Your ears say something totally different." I sighed and hugged her, my face in her shoulder and felt her scent slightly comforting. "S-Sasha?"

"Just let me stay like this." I muttered. She gave a small hum and hugged back. "We should get ready for that date you wanted us to go on."

I gasped and pulled away, grabbing her cheeks. "You reminded me! Yes! Let's go! I want the free food and sweets!" I felt the drool go down my chin at the thought.

"Sasha! You're drooling!" She yelled, laughing. I smiled and jabbed her sides, making her squeak. "I don't care!" We both laughed as we walked, my arm over her shoulders. I looked down at her and tilted my head.

'Do I like Haruhi?'

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