So Easy

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I stared at them as the twins held a cross towards me. "You aren't our Sasha! Our Sasha has long hair and different colored hair!" They took a few steps back as I grabbed a piece of stray hair from my face. "It is kinda short and I did dye it." I muttered, ruffling my shaggy hair. Honey jumped onto my back and petted me. "It's so soft and silky!"

"Why did you cut it?" Haruhi asked, eyebrow raised. "My mom cut a chunk of it when I was asleep. Then I decided to dye it." Amber giggled, latching onto my arm. "That's Mako-chan!" Then Kaoru latched onto my other arm. "Why would your mom do that?" I gasped when I saw Hikaru walk behind me and more weight was added to my back.

Then I was tackled by a Tamaki making me grunt. "I'm not Mori, you guys!" I had Tamaki clinging to me, Kaoru and Amber have my arms, and Honey and Hikaru on my back. Kyoya, Mori, and Haruhi only watched as I tried to stay standing with the amount of weight on me. "Too much, you guys!"

I was about to take a step till there was less weight on my back. Slightly relieve, I went to walk till there was more weight on me. "Wah!" I fell forward and groaned. "Seriously?" There was laughing. "Wow. A way to make Haruhi feel heavy, Sash." I grimaced at the thought. "That's what happened."

All the weight was soon off and Mori picked me up. I dusted my uniform off and stared at the dorks of this club and snorted quietly. "You guys are so odd." Two arms were on my shoulders and I felt air brush my cheeks. "Come on, Sash. Be nice to us." I groaned and shoved the twins away. "Don't do that. It fee-"


I gasped when I was suddenly tackled to the ground and felt my arms above my head. Then before I knew it, someone's lips were on mine for a moment. When I got a clear look, I saw a guy with dark green hair and dark colored eyes. "I'm back!" I raised a brow before they got off and held a hand to me. I stared at them for a second before grabbing it and he helped me up.

I narrowed my eyes before pushing his shoulders down and started to sniff his hair, then his neck, and collarbone. I gasped before smiling widely at the old and familiar scent. "Rin!" I saw his dog tail and his ears pop out as he nodded, acting like a puppy. "Yes!" I opened my arms and he pounced me, hugging tightly.

When we pulled away, he jumped up and down excitedly. "I'm so happy to see you! You're so tall and you finally can transform! No ears!" He patted my head before making a small whine. "Mum got mad at me for the surprise." I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Of course! Get over here, you damn pup!" I rubbed my knuckles against his head while he whined. "Stop! Stop!" He whined, holding my arm.

I let him go and watched as he rubbed his head. "So mean!" He whined, looking at me with teary eyes. Then someone cleared their throat and we turned to see the host club staring at us. I blinked before snorting and looking at Rin. "Wow. We really went weird." Rin nodded, looking at me. He stood up straight before smiling widely at the members of the host club.

"Hello! The name is Rin!" He introduced, tail wagging back and forth quickly. "It's nice to meet you all! I am in your care." He did a quick bow but I notice their confused faces before realizing he was speaking complete English. "RinRin, you're speaking english." He looked at me before flushing completely red and groaned. "Shoot."

I looked at the hosts before sighing. "Basically, his name is Rin. He's glad to meet you all." Amber blinked before nodding. "I got part of it. I didn't understand the rest." The twins walked around Rin a few times while he watched them curiously. "Inu?" They both said, Rin nodded. "Yep!" They looked at me, confused. "He's green."

"He's a blonde idiot." I said, patting his head. "Rin-chan!" Rin caught Honey as the little cutie jumped into his arms. "He's so cute!" Rin hugged Honey while holding him up. "Eh? Is he a highschool student?" He tilted his head. "Very." I said, hands in my pockets. Honey gave a cheeky smile, rubbing his pointy dog ears. "Their so soft!" Rin nodded. "I do enjoy a good groomer!"

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