The Hosts

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran Highschool Host Club

Sasha's P.O.V

The blonde saw what I was doing to Amber and gasped dramatically. "How dare you treat a young beautiful lady like that!" He pulled Amber away from me and started to massage her cheeks. "Is this the idiot club?" Amber moved away from the male and rubbed her cheeks. "This should be the host club."

"Young man? Young lady? Are you new?" A dark haired male with glasses asked as he pointed to us. "Young man? I'm a female." I stated bluntly. "Hm? Your height and uniform say different though." Standing behind Amber, she shrugged. "The uniform has a reason. She's just a couple inches taller than me." I laid my head on her shoulder and draped my arms to the side. "I'm hungry. Are you eating?" Amber smiled and poked my cheek. "Don't ask that. I made extra." I nodded and Amber looked around.

"Sasha. Girls are swooning for you." Shaking my head, the glasses guy hummed in interest. "Interesting. Can I ask about your ears?" My eyes narrowed but I yawned and stretched. "We'll talk after school." He nodded. "Let us at least introduce ourselves." Amber smiled brightly and nodded.

"I am Kyoya Ootori. This is Tamaki Suoh." Kyoya pointed to the blonde. The blonde grabbed Amber's hand and kissed the back of it. "Nice to meet you." I smacked his hand away and looked at Kyoya. "Continue Ootori-san." He nodded and pointed to a pair of twins. "These two are Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin." The two gave a cheesy smile with arms on their shoulders. "The tall silent one is Takashi Morinozuka and next to him is Mitsukuni Haninozuka." I nodded and my stomach grumbled. "The last and newest host is Haruhi Fujioka." Amber smiled and cheered. "You all are so handsome."

"Rich morons." I muttered. "Amber flicked my forehead. "What was that?" She asked. "Nothing." Amber nodded and smiled towards the host.

"I am Amber John and this is Sasha Emi." Amber introduced. Leaning to Amber's ear, she squealed as I blew into it. "We'll come after school, so can we go and eat now?" I asked with my stomach grumbling. Amber nodded and waved her hand. "We'll be here after school, so please do come here so we can discuss somethings." I sticked behind Amber and people either whispered each other or some girls just swooned. "Sasha-chan, will prove to them that you're a female?" Nodding, a yawn escaped me. "Lets just eat and then continue school." She smiled widely and nodded.

*After School*

Amber pulled my arm and dragged me to the room of the host club. "Sasha-chan! C'mon!" She yelled trying to get me to run. "I'm tired though." Amber started to groan. "You just skipped your class and slept on the roof! How are you tired?" I shrugged and pointed to me ears. "I am part cat." I stated bluntly.

Amber cheered as we made it to the host club room and walked in to see it empty. "We might have ro wait." Yawning, there was a nearby couch. "Then I'm going to sleep." I hopped on the couch and closed my eyes slowly falling asleep.

"Sasha-chan here they come!" Amber yelled causing me to open my eyes tiredly. "C'mon." I muttered and just laid there. It was silent till footsteps approached and the doors closed.

"Ah. My dear princess. So good to see you." Looking towards the hosts, Tamaki had Amber's hand and was kissing the back of it. Amber giggled slightly before removing her hand. "Can we get to the point? You wanted us to discuss somethings." I said, wanting to get straight to the point.

Kyoya nodded and sat in a chair across from me. "Yes. My first question is, are you really a female?" Nodding my head, I grabbed Morinozuka hand and placed it on my boob, making him squeeze it. "Ask your tall fellow, Ootori-san." Realeasing the tall males hand, I looked up at him and watched him nod with a slightly unnoticed shock. "Ah. I see. Now, next is about your cat ears?"

"Some stupid prank, I had before coming here." I responded staring straight into his eyes. He stared right back at me before shaking his head. "Whatever you say. Next, are dating Ms. Amber John?"

"Our relationship is merely friendship. Nothing more." Kyoya crossed his legs and hummed. "Last question, will you become a host?"

"No. I won't win anything for being a host." I answered and stood up. "If that is all you needed. We'll be taking our leave." Amber bowed and smiled brightly. "Thank you very much." Kyoya cleared his throat. "We'll people seem to think you're male even with your long hair. You even caught attention to some girls with your straight, lazy face and cat ears." My eyebrow rose and I shrugged. "So?"

"You'll fit in perfectly, Sasha-chan!" Mitsukuni cheered as he looked up at me. "It stays no." Amber waited by the door and smile. "Don't pressure her too much." Then the twins were at my side with smirks. "Are these ears really a prank?" One of them asked. "Of course not." They each grabbed my ears and yanked gently.

"They seem so real." The other commented. I tried to stay strong as they continued to play with my cat ears. "I wonder what would happen if I stuck a finger in?" They asked in unison. I had a slight irk mark and I was irritated. Amber came in and waved her hands with a closed eyes smile. "I wouldn't recommend that."

"You two. How would you like to face my wrath?" I asked, cracking my knuckles. The twins looked confused and let my ears go. The cat ears instantly went down in anger and I glared at them. "Don't touch my ears ever again." Everyone went silent and stared at me. Amber chuckled nervously and gulped. "Um, due to them being pulled...they uh fall over?" Her statement turned to a question.

I blinked and stared at them. Tension started to grow and Amber squeaked. "Um...I think we'll be tak-" Water was poored over me and I was soaked in water. Amber gaped her mouth and chuckled nervously. "Was there a reason behind that?" Amber asked nervously.

Then twin shrugged and pointed at me. "Wanted to see how she reacted." They said together. I took one step towards them but slipped back. My hands reached to the closest thing which was a expensive looking vase. "Sasha-chan! Are you OK?" She asked pulling me up. My eyes twitched and I shook my head. "My seems to be hurt. Might even leave a bruise. I wanted to go swimming muscles will feel weird." I muttered.

"That's good." Amber's face dropped and she pointed to the shattered vase. Kyoya opened his mouth about to say something but I raised my hand. "I'll join the club if it can pay for that vase." Kyoya smiled and nodded. "Welcome to the host club..." He paused and looked at me. "Hinata Misaki." He nodded. "Funny name but it will do." My ears lowered slightly and Amber chuckled nervously. "I hope it will do Kyoya-chan."

Kyoya smiled. "Yes. It very will. I expect you to come at after school." I grumbled and took my uniform coat off. "Fine." Putting the coat over my shoulder, Amber smiled. "How much is that vase?"

"About nine million yen." My eyes widened and my ears twitched. "I will work off the money for that vase." Mitsukuni came and smiled. "Welcome Hinata-chan!" I looked at him and turned to walk out. "See you rich morons later." Amber bowed one last time and caught up with me.

"You'll fit in Sasha-chan.  You'll do fine." Sighing, I looked down at her. "I don't even know what to do." Amber smiled brightly and pulled a finger up. "You can practice with me." I nodded. "I guess that can do." Amber laughed and cheered loudly. "Oh by the way, how did handle yourself when you made Mori-senpai squezze your boob?"

"Easy. Just squeeze his hand for him. It won't be hard enough so you won't make a sound." Amber blinked and clutched her hand then unclutched it. "Oh." Her blue eyes had curiousity in them and looked at me. "I can't wait to see you in action tomorrow." Amber punched my arm and laughed. "They seem trustworthy."

"If you say so, then I'll give being a host a try. Though that Fujioka fellow seems a bit feminine." Amber chuckled and nodded. "He does, doesn't he? Hey can I stay over tonight? Aoi-nii is coming to work late again." I nodded. "Yeah. That'll do." She cheered and we made out way to my house.

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