Scaring Haruhi

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I hit the side of my head, trying to get any extra sand out of my hair but proved difficult with my wet hair. I shook my head, Haruhi yelling out. "Hey, don't do that!" She covered her face. I felt my hair fluff up slightly and blinked. She snorted, pointing at my head. 

"So cat-like! You're hair is fluffy!" 

"Shut up, maybe I shouldn't have done that." I said, trying to flat my hair down. "No, don't do that! It looks so cute like this!" She laughed, grabbing my hands to stop me. I stuck my tongue at her. "So mean to me."

She snorted. "Says the one who calls me short." I sighed, ruffling her hair. "You're seriously to cute. I would so want a wife like you." I said, leaning my head against her's. "What about a husband?" She asked. I shrugged, standing up. "If I were to have a husband, he better be damn patient." I held my hand out to her and she grabbed it, letting me help her.

"When you say it like that, I would say you could pass as someone's husband." 

"One of my cousins mistaken to be a guy once. I swear, she said boys can't wear skirts or dresses, going on and on about it." She hummed, gripping her chin gently. "I could never imagine you in a skirt." I hummed, walking. "Who knows. Last time I wore a skirt was after that. I never wore it again. I was pretty dumb when I was younger. Actually thought myself to be a boy for a couple weeks." 

She shook her head. "I kinda expect you to believe that." I groaned and pinched her cheeks. "What was that, shorty?" I asked, irritated smile on my face. She tapped my wrist, laughing. "Sorry, sorry, forgive me." I let her go, walking. 

"You are forgiven, dear friend of mine." I said, hands in my pockets. "I should probably ask Amber if I can get those pictures back. The ones she took earlier." She hummed with a nod. "I wonder what they look like." I shrugged, patting my chest wrap. "Well, not like I was gonna take off my shirt off. I'm not gonna show off these things." 

She shrugged before Amber came running at us. "Haruhi! Hinata!" She grabbed our hands, dragging us. Then before I knew it, we were walking in a cave, being led by the twins. There were some girls with us but I looked around as listened to one of the twins talk. 

"This place is said to be a paranormal spot, where not even the locals will come to very often. It's a cave that only shows itself at low tide. Up to now, they say a lot of people have drowned here." I looked around, stopping and saw Amber smiling. I raised a brow and she giggled.

"We're playing a game." She said, hands to her chest. "What's that?" I asked. "Playing 'What is Haruhi's Weakness'." I groaned at the horrible name. "Twins came up with it?" I asked, getting a nod. 

"What's the reward?" Amber smiled widely and held some pictures up. "Haruhi pictures." I blinked and tried to look closely but without my contacts or glasses they were blurry and she was moving them. She stuffed them into her black bikini top and stuck her tongue out. "You have to win."

I groaned before jumping when some girls suddenly squealed and scream. Amber giggled and I turned to see Kaoru with some ghost decorations while Hikaru had a skeleton hand. "What the?" I froze when something landed on my shoulder and I looked to see a cockroach. I gasped, shaking it off quickly. "Yuck! Gross! Fuck!" I yelled out.

Amber giggled, picking it up. "It's fake."

I grumbled. "I knew that."

"That was very manly, Hinata." Two voices said. 

I looked at the twins with an irritated glare. "Shut up. I knew it was fake." I muttered walking out of the cave, covering my eyes at the brightness. 

"No need to be mad." Amber said, tugging my hair slightly. I shook my head and looked over at Rin staring down at his phone, red faced. "What's his deal?" I asked. Amber shrugged, tilting her head. "He's been on it for some time. After he took the picture of you under the sand, he said he had to answer some messages. Now, he's been blushing and quietly made embarrassed noises."

I raised a brow but didn't feel like asking. "Now, who's next?" 

Amber pointed to the truck from earlier and I blinked. "What is the point of this one?" I asked, pointing at it while looking at her. She smiled and grabbed my hand tugging it. "Come on, come on, let's go see!" She dragged me there and all I could do was sit, panting. "Too tiring."

I stared at Honey as he sat with a smile. "Hina-chan! Are you trying to win the game?" I blinked before nodding. "Yeah, I don't know what to do though." I groaned, falling back. Honey giggled and I only looked up till Rin was looking down at me. 

"You OK?" He asked, head tilted. I nodded, sitting up. "Where's Haruhi?" He sat beside me, legs to his chest. 

"Haru-chan! Over here, over here!" Honey yelled.

I turned around seeing Haruhi making her way here. I sat and watched her go in the truck with Honey. That failed. Honey was the one more scared. Rin stayed by him, holding some cake. I shook my head and someone held their hand to me. 

"Sasha, come on." Haruhi said, grabbing my hand after waiting. She helped me up and nodded. I hummed, starting to lean on her back. "Shorty, I'm getting tired." I said, hearing her groan. "Sasha! Please!" I laughed quietly moving off. "Hai, hai."

She gave a small sigh and looked at me. "You need to quit that. I might actually let you drop." I scoffed with a small grin. "Oh yeah?" She nodded, walking. I smiled, watching her before looking at the water. "Ah, it's been awhile." I sighed contently before stuffing my hands into my shorts, walking back to my stuff. I laid back under the umbrella, relaxing. 

It was short-lived when there was some sand being dumped on my feet. 

"Sasha, you can't fall asleep." 

"You need to figure out what you need to do."

I groaned and sat up, looking at the twins as they held buckets. I crossed my legs, leaning against my hands. "I have nothing." They both looked at each other before Hikaru held up a cockroach up. I froze, staring at it. "Don't doing anything rash, Hika-chan." I said.

Kaoru also held one out and I gasped when they neared me. "Sasha~"

"Stay away, assholes!" I got up, running from them. They laughed. "Come back, Hinata!"

"Fuck no! Shortie, save me!" 

"No, Sa-Hinata! Don't touch me there!"

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