You Little Brat

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I backed away from the little kid. "What!? I ain't going near this kid!" I backed away from the grade school boy. "Come on, Hinata-chan! Please!" Amber yelled, hands together, begging like. I shook my head and tried to move from the twins hands.

"Be nice, Hina-chan. If you behave, we'll give you a kiss for being a good kitty~." They snickered quietly as they pulled me to them. "A kiss should be alright."

"No way in hell, homo twins." I moved away from them but heard the slight squealing from the customers. I grumbled quietly before pulling one of them towards me. "What about Hikaru, Kaoru? Won't he be jealous that you're with me?" The girls squealed louder and then felt a glare towards me. I ignored it and let Kaoru go.

"Neh, do you just like to be dominated, Kao-kun?" He gasped and Hikaru pulled him away from me. "Hey!" I stuck my tongue out.

I was soon getting irritated by the glaring stare, so I looked for where it was coming from. "Who's glaring at me?" I asked, before having my head tilted down but Mori. "Down there, Hinata." I saw a little boy and blinked. "What are you looking at?" He backed away from me. "Homo."

I tilted my head. "That's a bit insulting," I said, rubbing my neck. Then I felt two arms around my waist. "This is our kitty cat, Hinata-chan. He's our toy." I growled before bringing my fist to the twin's heads. "Shut it."

"You are such a weirdo. What's with your long hair?" I was irritated immediately. "You are just a simple grade school brat." He grabbed a piece of it and yanked it gently. "Why would a man grow his hair out this long?!" Then his eyes widened slightly.

He looked at me before pointing to my ears. "Your ears are real. There's no way in hell they are fake. Your face and hair seems a bit to clean and soft to be a man's. Are you just a female mistaken to be male?" I blinked before standing up, crossing my arms. "You're a bit sharp for a grade school student."

Then felt Tamaki put a hand to my mouth. "He's just has so many girls soft hands playing with that it eventually became soft." I looked at him. "What kind of fucked up logic is that?" I asked, looking at him but felt the back of my neck jabbed making me freeze.

"Bad Hina-chan! You should be nice and listen!" I heard Honey yell behind me. My whole body was tense and it felt like wood. "That doesn't even seem right." The little kid grabbed a piece of my hair, pulling it again. I smiled at the little kid with irritation but I guess it was obvious since water was sprayed into my face.

"Stop, Hina-senpai." I sighed and rubbed my face. "Haruhi-chan! You betray me!" I hugged her, faking my sadness. "Senpai..."

"Just joking," I said, moving away with a smile. "Now, we got a brat on our hands. Why?" I bent to his level and pinched his cheeks but I guess he didn't like it since he pulled my ears. We continued to pinch and pull before Haruhi and Mori separated us.

Mori putting his hands under my arms and moved me away. "Calm down," he said, patting my head. Then there was a Honey in front of me. "It'll all be alright. He just wants to know how to attract and win girl's hearts."

I looked at them before blinking confused. "He's in grade school. Why would he want to know that?" I asked but growled when the twins pulled my ears. "Don't question the logic of getting girl's hearts Hina-chan."

Taking a glance at both of them, I decided to grab Hikaru and hold him. "Will it be easy to win your heart, Hika-chan or will you leave my feelings out?" I let him go with a small smirk. "Point for me, Mister Red-Cheeks."

"Shut it!" They both yelled and I laughed before feeling the glare again. "Kid, keep glaring and I might actually hurt ya," I said, bending to his level. He narrowed his eyes before grabbing my ears again. "Don't talk to me, homo." My eye twitched and I pinched his cheeks. "You're really cocky for a grade schooler."

He then scolded and moved away. "Enough childishness! Teach me how to make a woman happy!" My eye twitched and I rolled my eyes. "You guys can deal with the brat, I'm gonna go and get some lunch."

Amber gasped, pulling the back of my coat. "You can't go! You know how to get girls without even lifting a finger!" I tried to walk but didn't help when Mori picked me up under my arms again and held me like that. "Hina-chan, you're gonna help!" Honey waved a finger in front of my face.

I groaned quietly before looking at the brat. "What do you need me to do?" Suddenly, Range appeared behind me, making me jump slightly. "You have experience as a bad boy! A live performance from you!" Her excitement was kinda terrifying.

"What makes you think I'm the bad boy type?" I asked, looking at her. "Amber and Kyoya told me about fights and girls flocking you." I grimaced at the memories. "So many girls even though they knew my gender." I rubbed my head.

Then water was sprayed in my face again. "Hina-chan! You need to help too!" I gave a few nods, crossing my arms before bolting to the doors. "Wah!" I yelled out when I was suddenly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. "Let me down, giant soldier Mori!"

"That was slightly pathetic, neko-man," the brat commented making me growl quietly. "You cocky kid!"

"Shiro-chan, be nicer to Hina-chan."

"Shiro-chin, you really want to know how to make girls happy?" The brat instantly looked up at me. "Yes! Can you teach me!? I thought the genius​ king could help but it's been useless."

Taking a glance at Tamaki, I saw him sulking in the corner. I pinched my nose, clearing my throat. "One, don't ignore them. Two, be yourself. Three, don't be an idiot."

Shiro glared at me. "You're not helping! I'm running out time!" I raised a brow, laying my head down against Mori's back. Then I looked at him. "Shiro-chin, you're not making any sense." He shook his head. "Just tell me how to make women happy!"

Mori set me down and I raised a brow. "For what?" He shook his head. "You're just a bunch of idiots! I can't make her happy this way!" I raised a brow as he ran out the door.

"Did he say her or something?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck. Haruhi nodded. "He did." I shrugged before sitting on a couch, yawning. "Maybe he has a crush?"

"Why make a rush to make her happy then?" Amber asked, looking at me. "Who knows. He obviously wants to make her happy though." Amber whined quietly tugging my hair. "I want to see."

Then I felt my arms and legs being grabbed. "Come, Sasha! Let's go help him." I stared at the twins before groaning. "Why..."

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