Turn Back Please!

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Disclaimer- I do not own Ouran High school Host Club

The host club, except Haru-chan, had dropped us off at Sasha-chan's house. Luckily, she turned into a cat fully instead a weird appearance. I was holding her in my arms. After all the pain she went through, I would say it's worth it.

"Ready, Sasha-chan?" I asked, but she was asleep. I walked up to the door and knocked. It was awhile before Makoto-chan opened the door.

She looked at me then Sasha-chan. "What are you doing with that cat? The fur color almost matches." I chuckled nervously and looked down at Sasha-chan. "Sasha-chan has transformed into a cat. She also went into heat. Then has a cold."

She blinked and then her mouth gaped open happily. "A three in one! How marvelous! Come in! Come in!" Makoto-chan pulled us in and closed the door.

"This is great news. She has finally transformed." She sat at the table then grabbed Sasha-chan. "My little girl has finally transformed."

Then there was a quiet mew. That turned into a loud meow. "She's awake."

Sasha's P.O.V.

What the hell? I looked up to see mom up close to my face. "Get away!" The only thing I heard though was a meow. My eyes widened and saw my arms. The problem was that they weren't human arms. They were cat arms!

"My little Sasha is awake!" Mom had a wide smile. She seemed bigger than usual. "Amber. Look she's awake." My visions shifted and then there's Amber with a little smile. "Hi, Sasha-chan."

"What's going on! What the hell!?" There were meows again. "Sasha-chan, what's wrong?" Mom laughed and set me down. "She's alright. Probably doesn't know she is a cat now."

Huh? Cat? I looked at my whole body and froze. I'm a cat. I'm a cat!? Looking at my tail, I spun around trying to get a good look at it.

"Oh my baby girl is grown now. That means she can go to those festivals!" Mom cheered with arms together. Amber tilted her head. "Festival?"

Mom just waved her hand then pat my head. "I'm so glad. I thought her human father would stunt the transformation but I guess he didn't." She gave a small smile and scratched my back.

Her face then contorted as she sniff. "What's that smell?" Amber blinked. "What smell?" Mom looked down at me and wiggled her brows. "I see."

My nose started to tickle though and I sneezed, falling back. "She also has a cold." Mom picked me up. "That means no Ciel tonight. Don't want you pregnant so early."

"Oh man." I meowed and jumped out of her arms. "That reminds me. I should let you stay at Amber's for now. You can transform to human again."

"That's sounds great but how? I don't know how." Mom sighed. "True. Then use your otaku minds! There's got to be something. So Amber take Sasha and figure it out. Court dismissed!" Mom smiled.

"Seriously? Yay!" Amber cheered. She picked me up and ran out. "Bye Makoto-chan!" She ran and walked till we got to her house. "OK. Onii-chan isn't home so when he does hide." I gave a small nod as she opened the door.

"I'm home, Mousey boy!" There was loud crashing before her dog came running. I hissed loudly then jumped from her arms only to be chased by the huge gray dog. "Ah! Mouse! That's Sasha-chan!"

Mouse barked and growled as I was under Amber's bed. He really wanted me out. "Amber!" I meowed loudly wanting her help.

Amber stammered till she picked up a ball. "Mousey outside! Who wants the ball!"

"Ball? I want the ball!" I heard a voice that sounded like a boy yell. There was also the sound of barking.

"Go get the ball!" Amber yelled and I heard the ball bounce along with the Mouse running.

Amber ran and got on the floor. "He's outside. You can come out." My ears lowered but I still crawled out. Amber smiled and patted my head. "Let me grab my mangas and we'll start reading through them."

"OK." She gave me a smile as if she knew what I said and ran off to get her mangas while I walked to her dining table.

Amber came back with a small stack. "This is what I could find. So lets start!" She said with a wide smile. Then gasped. "Dinner!" She ran around the kitchen and started to make some clattering.

I watched her clumsily run around, making something. As she did that, I just groomed my paw. The sounds of scratching at a door.

"Master! Please let me in! I won't chase Sasha!" I looked at the door and Amber. She didn't seem to notice the voice.

I jumped and went towards the door. "You promise?" I meowed quietly.

"Yes! I didn't realize it was Sasha!" Mouse whimpered. I looked at the door knob and jumped, trying to open it.

After a few jumps, I got it open. Then came in the large dog. "Thank you!" I moved before getting walked on and closed the door. "Shut it!" I hissed and Mouse looked at me and lowered his head.

"I'm so sorry Sasha. It's only natural...wait!? How are you a cat!?"
"Because I'm a cat and human."

Mouse gasped and got into a playful stance. "You told Master Aoi that it was a prank." My ear twitched. I thought Mouse was a smart dog but that is just wow.

"Mouse. Let's start over. I'm Sasha. A human cat or werecat." Mouse sat down and his tail wagged rapidly. "Hi Sasha. I'm Mouse. A dog." Then leaned and rubbed his nose on mine.

"Sasha-chan! Mouse!" We jumped. I looked at her and Mouse. "He did it first!" I meowed.

Mouse whined and I felt my fur move a bit. "Oh. You forgive Mouse, Sasha-chan?"

"Yes." I meowed but I didn't know she understood till her eyes brightened and hugged Mouse and I.

"Lets get to work!!" Then dragged the dog and me to the dining room.


"Wake up." I meowed pawing her face. She was asleep on a manga. I gave up and tugged it from under her arm.

Reading through it, I got nothing except a scare for myself. The heat all over my body was harsh. I can see mom's problem when she was in heat.

Then the door opened. "Amber, I'm home." Turning to the door, Aoi walked in tiredly. He had slight bags under his eyes. I hid under the chair, trying to stay as hidden as possible. I could still see him though. He had his waiter outfit on and his white hair in a pony.

He looked at his little sister and the mangas and gave a small smile. Patting her head, he closed up some of the books and went down the hall. A door opened then he came back.

He carefully picked her up and walked to her room. Then came back and to the fridge, pulling some food out. Amber left some for him before we started searching for answers.

I had to stay hidden till he went to bed. Then I gave up and curled up on the couch myself and let sleepiness catch me.

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