Fake the whole time?

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I heard Mom snicker behind me and I looked at her. "What?" She shrugged, looking back into her magazine. "Oh, nothing. I was trying to figure out why you are so irritated." I huffed, looking back to my notes, writing them where I could understand it better. "No comment."

"Your ears are lowered and tail is twitching massively." I growled quietly and looked behind me to catch a glimpse of my tail moving around wildly. "Dammit." She chuckled and pat my head. "Did something happen at the host club?"

I gasped and turned to her. "Why would you ask such a thing!?" I yelled, narrowing eyes at her. Mom sat down and hummed quietly. "You have shown so much of your expressions, even ones I haven't seen. Plus, you seem attached to the host club. I heard you are having a small competition with those Hitachin twins."

"Not anymore! They've pissed me off! We all are in an argument!" I looked back and was about to start writing till I gasped. Mom laughed and patted my head. "My kit is having an argument with her two rivals."

I looked at her with an irritated look. "Don't make it sound like we have a special relationship." Mom raised a brow and gave a closed eyes smile. "Remember, use protection but not too many otherwise it will hurt." I groaned and laid my head on my notes, blushing slightly. "Mum...please stop..."

"See? You rarely blush unless you say it." I looked at her and rolled my pencil on the table. "I can't believe this. What time is it?" I asked, looking at the clock and gasped. "I've been up all night!?" I got up and looked at my pajamas. "I need to get dress!" 

Mom was laughing. "Sasha, hurry up!" I looked at her and glared. "You said you were napping. You were actually sleeping!" Mom nodded with a finger up. "Better hurry before you're late." I gasped and ran to my room but tripped at the door. I looked and saw my uniform on the ground. "I didn't take care of my uniform!"

"Better luck next time, honey!" 

I growled and got up. "Clothes! I need some neat clothes!" I ran around my looking for some neat clothes then I looked on my bed. My clean uniform on my bed. I heard Mom's laughing and growled. 

"MOM!!!" I hurriedly got my clothes on and looked at my phone to see messages from Kyoya and Amber. "You're gonna be late!" I ran out of my room, grabbing my bag and phone. Closing my notes off the coffee table, then realized I have to put my contacts in. There's not enough time though. I put my glasses in and looked into my bag making sure I had everything.

I heard Mom laughing quietly. "What?" I asked, putting my phone into my pocket and looking at the time. "Oh, nothing at all. Have fun today." I narrowed my eyes at her before running out the door, putting my shoes on. 

I pulled my phone from my pockets, looking at the messages. I looked around and gasped, realizing I was gonna be late unless I start running. Then I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and saw Amber's name. Answering it, I heard Amber's yelling through it.

When it was quiet, I put it to my ear. "Amber?"

"Hurry! The twins are still fighting!" She yelled.

I growled quietly. "I don't care! They could still fight for all I care!" Raising a brow, I heard something in the background. "I got to go," she said before hanging up. I blinked before rubbing my head. "I'm gonna just walk the rest of the way." 

Walking, I felt more and more irritated as I walked closer to the school. I don't want to see those twins faces or acts. Maybe I could avoid the host club. Actually I think Renge and Amber will be on my ass. When I got to the school, I saw Amber standing there with an anger look. 

"Hinata-chan." I blinked and shrugged. "I was up all night studying," I said as I walked passed her. "You need to sleep and come on time! Why are you wearing your glasses?" She asked, catching up beside me. "I was in a hurry." 

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