All in One Day

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran Highschool Host Club

I groaned as my alarm beeped loudly. Rubbing my face, I yawned and slapped my face slightly. I barely remember the Christmas party last night. All I remember was dancing for a bit and coming home. My whole body ached. I didn't know why but I thought it was my imagination. My body doesn't ache or hurt.

"Sasha, are you up?" Mom yelled from the kitchen. I got up from my bed and walked out of my room with a tired look. "Man, I'm blown. I knew I shouldn't have done more than two waltzs." I sat on the floor and rubbed my face. "Yeah? You're circles grew a bit darker." She mentioned as she brought me some water. "So, spill. Why did you dance more than two?" Shaking my head, a yawn escaped me again. "I'm a host. A host gotta do what a host gotta do."

"Wow. So you fit in with the host club?" I nodded slightly and drank some water. "Yeah. I got a few customers who like me. I got to admit, its hard but I'm the lazy, cosplayer type. I didn't think girls even had a type like that." Mom hummed and drank some of her coffee. "I guess it works out for you then. So, what do you have that make the girls swoon exactly. I wiggled my ears and sighed.

"I lay on some of their laps and eat the food they bring and have that for lunch. The girls love to mess with my hair and I try to do their hair but I fail at that. There is also the chance of a boyxboy scenario." Mom looked at me dumbfounded before giving a slight nod. "Ah. So Amber had a good guess. I owe her 20 American dollars."

"You guys did a bet on this?!" I yelled loudly. Mom covered her ears and hissed in pain. "Oi! That hurt. Anyway, last question. Why is there a female scent on you? This isn't a bunch of females, it is one particularly." Raising a brow, I sniffed myself snd blinked. 'I smell like Nagisa and a tint of Amber and Haruhi.' "Um, Nagisa-san. From one of my classes. She is my regular customer. My first one at that. She taught me how to dance and waltz properly."

"This 'Nagisa' sounds special. How's her cooking?" Finishing my glass of water, I pointed a finger at her. "My turn. Did you go into heat last night and the night before that?" Mom looked down and slowly nodded. "Warn me next time and I can tape your mouth. Your heat meows and noises kept me up the last couple nights."

"Not like I can help it. It just happens." Shaking my head, I rubbed my eyes. "I should just force you to transform and have you fix so I don't deal with this." Mom head snapped up and she shook her head. "No. No. Not happening. You try to be quiet during heat."

"Then control yourself. Plus, I can probably handle it. " Then there was banging on our door. Getting up, I saw Amber in her school uniform with her usual bright smile and with two coats with a scarf.. "Good morning!" After letting her in, she whined loudly. "You're not dress?" Sighing, I went to my room and started to get ready for school. "Sorry. I'm just out of it. I waltzed too much last night." Walking out with my bag in hand, Amber huffed and shook her head.

"I was going to warn you but I didn't say anything to see if you can handle yourself. I guess you can't if this happens." My eyebrow twitched and hit her head. "See you later Mom. I'll be going by the store tonight for some groceries." Mom waved her hand and Amber rubbed her head with a whine. "You haven't been fighting yet your hits still hurt." Shrugging, we walked to the school in uttered silence till we got to the gates.

"You OK?" Amber looked at me questionly before nodding and smiling. "Of course! Now since you sat and didn't get to school when we usually do we need to run. Race ya!" She yelled, running and stepping on her yellowdress uniform. She faceplanted intohe ground and didn't move as if frozen.

"That hurt." I walked to her form and picked her up. "Idiot. You don't run in dresses." Amber whined quietly and I licked my finger wiping off dirt in her face. "What am I going to do with you one day?" I muttered and she giggled quietlt and shrugged. "We'll have to find out." Humming, we walked to class and end up being late.

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