1] Obsessed Chronicles

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and so the saga begins..

and so the saga begins

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"Maithili," his pleas fell upon deaf ears as I sat rigidly on the bed, arms crossed tightly against my chest.

This time, I resolved not to let his words sway me.

Sensing the bed shifting beside me, I felt his gaze upon me, his familiar smile teasing my senses.

With a frustrated sigh, I closed my eyes, turning away from him. Yet, he persisted, edging closer until I could feel his presence beside me.

Irritated, I opened my eyes to find him smiling widely. Narrowing my eyes, I shot him a glare, but his smile only grew wider, as if relishing my annoyance.

Exhaling sharply, I rose from the bed and strode towards the window. He ought to have realized that nothing evades my notice, yet he chose to act this way.

"प्रिये हमसे यूं मायुस तो ना हो," as his soft words brushed against the air behind me, I felt his presence, though I couldn't bring myself to turn and face him.

(My love, don't be upset with me)

His nonchalant demeanor grated on my nerves, exacerbating my already simmering frustration. But I couldn't let myself be swayed by his words so easily.

"आप हमारे कारण राज्य दान देने चले थे? वो भी अपने शत्रु को?" I questioned, my disbelief evident in my tone.

(Was it because of me that you were ready to sacrifice the kingdom? Even to your enemy)

He met my gaze with those piercing grey eyes, for a moment, neither of us spoke, my heart raced as the depth in his eyes locked onto mine, drawing me into a world where words were unnecessary.

With a smile gracing his lips, he tenderly brushed his finger against my cheek.

"आप में हमारा संसार है, एवं राज्य, केवल भौतिकवादी संसार का एक हिस्सा।" He said, as his voice tugged at the strings of my heart, stirring emotions within me that I struggled to contain.

(In you, resides my world, and the state is nothing but a part of the materialistic world)

I felt a pang of guilt at his words, the walls I had erected around my heart beginning to waver. But I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not when so much was at stake.

Turning away, a heavy sigh escaped my lips, my gaze fixed on the distant horizon as I grappled with the weight of my emotions.

How could I make him understand the turmoil brewing within me, especially when he looked at me with those eyes, so full of love and devotion?

MaithiliVeda: The Silent Chronicles of Ages Untold Where stories live. Discover now