22] Behind the Shawl

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and my heart was always
his to love.

and my heart was always his to love

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Shauryaditya, a figure from my past encounters rather than a close friend, had reappeared as suddenly as he had disappeared.

The few, fleeting interactions we had shared years ago had left me with an impression that he has left this state, but now his unexpected return brought a surge of curiosity and wariness.

What mysterious winds had brought him back after all these years of silence? What did he seek now, and why had he chosen this moment to reappear?

As he approached, his smile and eyes were as I remembered- familiar yet heartbreakingly distant.

Shrivigya's hand, once firm in mine, now loosened slightly, and my heart sank at the shift. My gaze swiftly turned to him.

I could see a storm brewing behind Shrivigya's eyes, a tempest of anger like I had never witnessed before. It was a raw, fierce protectiveness that transformed his entire demeanor.

Before words could form on my lips, before questions could be voiced or greetings exchanged, Shrivigya stepped forward assertively.

Positioning himself between Shauryaditya and me, he became a shield, his body language clear..

The air around us felt charged, heavy with unsaid words and unresolved tensions, making it hard to breathe.

I clung silently to Shrivigya's arm, seeking some comfort in his protective stance, while my eyes stayed locked on Shauryaditya, searching for answers only he could provide.

"Don't push me, Aryaman. You know I can shatter your world in an instant. Step back, before I'm forced to end this."

Shrivigya's menacing tone sent shivers down my spine. This is for the first time I'm ever hearing such cruel words from him.

What had happened between him and Shauryaditya-whom he addressed as Aryaman-that had ignited such fury?

My mind spun with confusion. Why was Shrivigya so angry with a man I had only known through brief, innocuous encounters? And why the alias?

Noticing my bewildered stare, Shrivigya turned towards me, his expression shifting instantly.

The hardness in his eyes dissolved into a gentle concern as he took my hand in his.

His touch was calming, yet what he said next only fueled the turmoil inside me.

"Priye, you must understand. The man before you is the architect of our anguish. He has woven a web of deceit and pain around us," he explained, a harsh revelation that crashed over me with the force of a tidal wave.

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