23] Four Years to Forever

224 21 84

WORD COUNT: 11,010.

I've been counting down the days until we could chat again—
did you guys miss me
as much as I missed you?

Let's get lost in our next chapter together! 🌹🍕

Also, sending over some tissues—
you might need them for
this one! 🤧💖📚

[Apologies in advance for the tears🥲]


and her soul was always
mine to worship.

and her soul was alwaysmine to worship

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[A Glimpse Backward]


The moment my gaze settled across the court, it was as if the universe had paused, directing my focus to those deep brown eyes—a sight profoundly familiar yet achingly distant.

  Could it truly be her?

After four long, arduous years, filled with nothing but the echo of her laughter and the shadow of her smile in my memories?

A sudden pang of pain tightened around my heart as I blinked, only to find the vision of her vanished as if she were merely a figment of my longing.

Desperation clawed at me. I rubbed my eyes vigorously, hoping, praying that my mind wasn't playing cruel tricks. But there was nothing.

No trace of her presence, it was as if she had dissolved into the air itself.

I scanned the crowd frantically, each face a blur, none matching the one that haunted my dreams.

"Where did she go?" I muttered under my breath, choked by the sudden surge of emotions.

Four years of silence, of yearning, and just when the void seemed to be breached, she was gone again.

Just out of reach, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand.

Had I really seen her? Or was the heartache pushing my weary soul to conjure her image, to feel, albeit briefly, the solace of her presence?

The possibility that she might still be near, perhaps watching me as I struggled to compose myself, ignited a flicker of hope within me.

I couldn't leave, not yet, not like this.

Not without seeing her smile once more, without knowing if time had been kinder to her than it had been to me.

I would wait, watch, and search every passing face until the sun dipped below the horizon if that's what it took.

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