8] Between Blades and Bonds

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and that is when we breathe.
  In the same air.

  In the same air

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  Ashwedh Dynasty, 824 CE

In the grandeur of the palace, Rajadhiraj Shrivigya Adyant's fury ignited like a tempest, his wrath an inferno that consumed all in its path.

With each step, his presence radiated a chilling authority, commanding fear and submission from all who dared to cross him.

The air hummed with anticipation as he entered the inner sanctum, where his loyal minister, bowed low, awaited his judgment.

"क्षमा प्रार्थी, राजाधिराज आद्यंत," the minister pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. "हम सुनिश्‍चित करेंगे कि कोई भी उनके कक्ष के समक्ष भटकने का प्रयास न कर पाये दोबारा"

(Please forgive me, Rajadhiraja Adyant)

(I'll ensure no one dares to wander near her chambers again)

But the emperor's wrath knew no bounds. With a swift motion, he delivered a punishing kick, sending the minister sprawling to the ground.

"तुम्हारी चेष्टा कैसे हुई उन पे कुदृष्टि डालने की," he growled, his words cutting through the air like a sharpened blade.

(By what right do you dare to regard her with malevolent intentions)

"Did you truly believe you could escape my wrath?" The minister's eyes widened in terror at Shrivigya's words, his breaths coming in shallow gasps as he struggled to find words of supplication.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty," he whimpered, his voice barely a whisper amidst the thunderous echoes of the chamber.

But Shrivigya's fury burned like a raging inferno, his gaze intense as he beheld the trembling figure before him.

With a clenched jaw and eyes ablaze with righteous indignation, he tightened his grip on the man's kurta, the fabric digging into the flesh.

"You dare to defile her sanctity with your insolence," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "You dare to cast your unworthy gaze upon her."

With a swift and decisive motion, Shrivigya raised his hand, the crack of his palm against the minister's cheek resounding like a thunderclap in the silence of the chamber.

The force of the blow sent the man reeling, his body crumpling to the ground.

As the minister lay prostrate before him, Shrivigya's eyes burned with a righteous fury.

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