2] SamMaithili

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and there,
his obsession resides.

and there, his obsession resides

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In the hushed chamber of SamMaithili, a space Vedaitya personally designed for experiments related to MaithiliVeda, he painstakingly worked on the weathered stones that bore the cryptic tales of MaithiliVeda Mahal.

The room felt alive with history, heavy with the scent of old parchment and whispers of forgotten stories.

The flickering candlelight illuminated his face, showing the determination in his eyes as he explored the history of a long-lost civilization.

As he traced the intricate carvings on a particularly stubborn stone, Vedaitya muttered to himself, "The history captured in these stones escapes my grasp. It's like deciphering a language lost to time."

His fingers, tired from countless hours of exploration, frustration etched his features as the elusive meanings continued to elude him.

In a burst of vexation, he exclaimed, "Blast it! These symbols resist my every attempt to unveil their story. What secrets do you hold, and why do you guard them so fiercely?"

With a heavy sigh, Vedaitya leaned back, his gaze fixed on the inscrutable carvings, "There must be a key, a code to unlock the language of these stones. But where is it hidden? What am I missing?"

As he pondered, a fleeting frustration gave way to a renewed determination.

"Maithili," Vedaitya paused, setting his glasses aside as a sigh escaped his lips. "Veda."

With a furrowed brow, he held the stone, scrutinizing its surface intently, grappling with the cryptic inscriptions that remained elusive to his understanding.

As his gaze lifted, it fell upon the picture of MaithiliVeda, a photograph he had discreetly requested from his friend.

A smile graced his lips at the sight of the palace, the very edifice that held his heart captive.

Suddenly, the room's tranquility shattered like fragile glass as the sharp ringtone of Vedaitya's phone sliced through the air.

Fumbling to retrieve the device from his pocket, Vedaitya's eyes flitted to the screen, revealing the name of Ananya.

With a quizzical glance, he answered, "Hello?"

Ananya's voice crackled through the phone, urgency etched in her tone, "Vedaitya, you've got to see this. We stumbled upon a discovery that could rewrite history."

Intrigued, Vedaitya's curiosity piqued as he implored, "what have you found?"

"It's a page, Vedaitya. It picturise rituals performed in MaithiliVeda and hints at something we can't figure out," Ananya exclaimed, the excitement palpable even through the crackling connection.

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