15] Declaring Desires

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and she'll be my end.

and she'll be my end

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"Maharaj, I am pleased to inform you that all preparations for the ceremony have been meticulously completed," the guard's announcement broke the silence of my contemplation as I nodded in acknowledgment and proceeded towards the यज्ञ कक्ष (sacred fire altar).

"Are you certain we shouldn't offer our assistance during the yajna, Maharaj?" Rajpurohit (Royal Priest) inquired, his voice echoed softly in the alter.

Seeking the Rajpurohit's blessings, I bowed deeply and reverently touched his feet. Rising, I met his gaze with firmness.

"I am doing this for her, and for her alone shall I perform every ritual, without the need for external aid," I declared. "However, your wisdom and guidance have been invaluable to me throughout this preparation," I added with a smile.

With hands raised in reverence, he bestowed his blessings upon me as he intoned, "शान्तिः श्रीरस्तु।"

(May peace and prosperity reign over you)

Bowing before Narayan, I took my seat on the ground where the bowls of घृतम् (clarified butter), मधु (honey), and क्षीर (milk) awaited their turn to be offered.

Each substance symbolized the essence of divine nourishment and sustenance.

As I prepared myself for the rituals, the flickering flames of the yajna fire danced in the air, casting a warm glow.

"ॐ अग्नये स्वाहा," I chanted, offering ghee into the flames with each repetition, invoking the presence of Agni, the divine messenger between gods and humans.

With hands folded in prayer, I poured libations of अज्य, known as sanctified water into the sacred fire, each droplet hissing and crackling as it mingled with the flames.

"ॐ वारुणाय नमः," I intoned, invoking the presence of Varuna, the lord of the cosmic waters, offering homage to his divine sovereignty.

As the flames danced and flickered before me, I offered handfuls of पुष्पमाला, known as fragrant flowers into the fire, their petals a symbol of devotion and purity.

"सुरासुराः परिपाल्यं देव्याः सत्येन कामये।
यज्ञं करोमि तत्रैव सर्वात्मा स्वप्रियाय च॥"

(For the protection of the goddess,
desired by gods and demons alike,
I perform this yajna here,
with my entire being, for my beloved)

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