17] Royal Homecoming

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and she breathed life into my soul.

and she breathed life into my soul

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For some, home is a place deeply rooted in centuries of tradition, but for me, she is my home.

Every moment spent in her presence breathes life into my existence, without her, the world loses its luster.

With a tender gaze, I met her eyes, losing myself in the endless depths of her soul.

Each time she smiled, it was as if the universe itself paused to admire the beauty she possessed, a beauty that radiated from within and enveloped me in its gentle embrace.

As I gaze into her eyes, I feel an inexplicable connection. Her eyes speak volumes, revealing secrets and desires that ignite a fire within me.

In her eyes, I see the reflection of a love so pure and profound, it's as if the universe itself conspired to bring us together.

And when she smiles, it's as if the sun breaks through the clouds, illuminating my world with its radiant glow.

In her presence, I find solace and contentment, a sense of belonging that I've never known before.

She completes me in ways I never thought possible, filling the voids in my heart with her boundless love and warmth.

I fear that in her eyes, I may discover truths that I'm not yet ready to face. But even in my apprehension, I'm drawn to her like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the pull of her irresistible charm.

With her, I know that I am exactly where I'm meant to be— wrapped in her love, forever and always.

"अर्थाथ आपका घर हम में बसता है", she inquired, her voice captivating attention effortlessly, as I found myself momentarily speechless, ensnared once more by the enchanting curve of her smile.

(Does that mean your home resides within me)

I couldn't deny the truth in her question.

With each passing moment, it felt as though our souls intertwined more deeply, finding solace and belonging in each other's presence.

"Home," I mused, tracing the delicate curve of her cheek with my fingertip, "is wherever I find you. In your laughter, in the warmth of your touch, in the depths of your eyes."

Her gaze locked with mine, and in that moment, I knew I had found my peace amidst the chaos of the world.

"And if my heart has found its refuge within yours," I confessed, my voice barely a whisper, "then indeed, you are my home, priye, in every sense of the word."

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