34: The Highest Form of Love

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You never imagined that you would do something intimate with Kai, of all people, but as far as casual hook-ups go, you'd say this went pretty well. Not that you have much experience to base your opinions off, but still.

Kai made you feel good about yourself. He didn't pressure you into anything or make you feel ashamed after the fact. Perhaps it sounds like the bare minimum, but you know that plenty of other guys could've easily ruined the whole night.

Kai has done some admittedly shitty things, but you're starting to realize that he's actually much more caring than he lets on.

For the past half an hour or so, you've been locked in Kai's embrace, with a blanket wrapped around your unclothed body. Even though you're not actually doing anything anymore, he seems perfectly content just to snuggle you close as he kisses your cheeks and forehead every so often.

You blink.

Is this the part... where I leave? I'm not sure how this works. I don't think I'm supposed to spend the night. Am I?

You have to admit, spending the night is tempting. Kai's fancy apartment is a lot more appealing than the shithole you have the misfortune of calling your home. This place is big, comfortable, and nice to look at. This is the kind of place you would be proud to claim as your own, and if given the chance, you would gladly show it off.

Too bad that isn't reality.

You shift in place. Imagining things the way you wish they would be is always a slippery slope. There's really no point in fantasizing. It won't change your circumstances. It'll just make you even more jealous and bitter than you already are.

Still, you have to acknowledge that Kai's life is far from perfect. You always perceived him as being spoiled and carefree, without having experienced any real hardship, but you know better now. Surprisingly, the two of you have a lot more in common than you first thought. If he was able to escape poverty... then maybe one day, so can you.

"I should go," you say, and predictably, Kai's expression drops.

"Already? You don't need to be in a hurry to leave. It's getting late, so you may as well just sleep over at this point."

He nuzzles his nose against your cheek, and when you turn your head to get a better look at him, he's full-on pouting. It's obvious he doesn't want you to leave. You never thought you'd say this, but right now, his clinginess is actually pretty cute.

Not that it's going to change your mind.

"I need to get up early for work tomorrow," you insist. "It's more convenient for me to sleep at home so I won't have to scramble to make it on time."

That's not the only reason, of course. You told Kai from the start that this was going to be purely physical. Sleeping over and cuddling all night feels... a bit too intimate. You don't want him getting the wrong idea. You may have hated him before, but now that you're starting to come around, you'd rather not play with his feelings.

"I want you to stay," Kai mumbles. His puppy eyes are becoming more irresistible by the second, but no-you need to stay strong.

"I know you do," you chuckle softly, patting him on the cheek. "But I really have to go now. Thank you for this. I really enjoyed it. You made me feel comfortable, and I appreciate that."

You slowly sit up from the couch, prying yourself out of Kai's grip. With the blanket still wrapped around your naked body, you start picking your clothes off the ground while Kai crosses his arms and continues to pout.

"I don't know why you're bothering to hide yourself, when I've already seen everything there is to see," he mutters.

"We're not doing that anymore, so I feel shy now."

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