the misunderstanding clears but...

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He stood there for a moment and then carried her plate in the room. "Have some." He said while bringing the plate close to her face. "Didn't heard what I said earlier? First hurt others and then treat them with great fake kindness. No need to act in front of me. Just be your realself when with me." She repeated the same words, intentionally, and left him there alone.

He sat there, the plate in his hands. Why do rude? He pouted asking himself a question. Maybe I deserve it. He left a huge sigh. Soon after he got a call from Yoongi.

Yoongi : aren't you coming to office today? You are pretty late.

JK : no I won't come to for 2-3 more days.

Yoongi : Why ? Is everything alright? You don't take leaves often.

JK : No actually Y/n's health is not fine so-

Yoongi : what happened to her ? Is she ok ? Did she faint or something ? Cmon speak fast Jungkook.

JK : She is.... alright, but why are you so hyped?

Yoongi : I am not hyped. I am just worried. Listen take good care of her and give her some fruits and be with her ok, I will manage here.

JK : Yeah don't worry. Byee

He cares about her a lot. He thought to himself and went in her room.

He knocked the door and came in. "Y/n please have some." "I told you my answer earlier. I don't like to repeat the same things again and again." He came and sat beside her. "what are you doing ?" She asked him being confused by his behaviour.

"I know I haven't done any good to you from the day we married and I know this is the karna I am getting but please don't take your anger out on the food. I know how you must be feeling right no-"

"What do you know? You know nothing about my feelings. If you had today must have been better. What do you think of yourself? You act as you wish. Do you know how much I am suffering. It's easy said than done. Look at us right now, how happy we used to be and now." She said to him her eyes filled with tears.

"...I am sorry. I am really sorry to meddle in your life. I...I know nothing. I thought I knew everything but the truth is I know nothing. I was just being delusional about your feelings for me. I am finally starting to realise my mistake. I know nothing about you. I also don't know how much you are suffering. I-I just wanted to payback for whatever I had done but the reason I had been doing this was you Y/n."

As soon as she heard his last sentence she looked at him and scoffed. "What? I was the reason for your behaviour?!? What did I even do Jeon ?"

"You married me even after knowing I had an affair with that bitch."

"What did you just say? Are you in your senses? Why would I had married you if I had known about your affair." She replied to him feeling exaggerated by his words.

"But I had given you a letter regarding this and you have read that too." "What letter ? You gave me nothing. Just tell me everything clearly for fuck's sake."

"Actually when our marriage was gonna fix, I didn't wanted it to happen, as I had an affair so regarding the same I wrote you a letter. I thought as you are my best friend, you will understand my feelings and make this marriage fall. But-but you betrayed me, you intentionally married me. This was the reason for my behaviour towards you."

"So you are saying you wrote me a letter but I never got any letter. Infact I was too shocked that how you agreed to this marriage."

She replied to him making him look at her in confusion. "How can this be possible Y/n, I myself had kept the letter in your room."

"I swear Jungkook I never got any letter trust me." *Sneezed* she replied to him as was herself confused by whatever Jungkook was talking.

"So where did that letter go?" He was thinking about the letter when suddenly a different thought grabbed his attention. I hated Y/n for nothing.

Guilt took over him. He didn't knew how to face the girl whome he has been hating since 2 years, for no reason at all. Y/n noticed the uneasiness on his face and held his hands. "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself." She tried to console him.

"Bu-But Y/nahh." She noticed his eyes filling up with tears which soon made their way down to his cheeks. She cupped his face and said to him. "Hey pabo! It's not your fault. If I had been on your place, I would have done the same. Stop crying like a kid."


To be continued....

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A very happy birthday to Min Min Meow 🥂🥂💓💓

I know it's tomorrow but still 🥂

I know it's tomorrow but still 🥂

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