Did I just call her WIFE !?!

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"There is really no need Jungkook, I seriously don't need do-" He cut her by feeding her a spoonful of whatever he made. "We are going and that's final."

Gosh what do I do now. She cursed at him under her breathe. "Stop cursing me and eat this fast. I know you are scared of doc but it's needed pumpkin" He said while stroking her hair strand which were coming on her face. I am not scared of the Doc Kook. I am scared of getting exposed"

"You are not gonna listen, are you?" He took the plate from her hand and started feeding her. "You are really very stubborn." After sometime the whole plate was finished. "Get ready fast ok I am wai-

Why are you crying? Are you ok? Is it hurting somewhere? Pumpkin comeon say something."

"I don't want to go to doctor."

His look :

Suddenly they heard the doorbell ring

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Suddenly they heard the doorbell ring.

"I will just go and check and you get ready ok." Saying this he left her and went down.


I went down and opened the front door just to see Yoongi standing there. "Oh Yoongi what happened?" I questioned him.

"You need to come to the office there has something urgent came up there. You gotta be real quick." He said and because of his expressions a thought had already cleared in my mind ; something huge has happened. "Yoongi I will just be back after getting ready and you do one thing, take Y/n to doc."

"Sure." After the conversation I went back in my room. I held Y/n'ss shoulder with some guilt and said, "Pumpkin, I am really sorry I have to go. Yoongi will take you to the hospital ok. Please go hmm." I caressed her forehead which still had some temparature.

After assuring her I left the house knowing that Yoongi would take good care of her.


As soon as Jungkook left, Yoongi barged in and went to her room. "Y/n gWenChANa ??" "Ahh thank god Yoongi you were there for me."she went to him and hugged him tightly. "I didn't knew what I was going to do. I was so scared you know." Yoongi tightened the hug from his side and answered her.

"Anything for you. Listen get ready fast then we have to go for a check up." He said as he caressed her back not knowing a familiar pair of eye was watching them.

Y/n let go of Yoongi and started getting ready. After sometime they both were set to go and left the mansion.


"Oh shit I forgot the papers in the room. Thank goodness I remembered." I found that I left some important papers at home. I got out of my car and went inside the house.

I was passing by Y/n's room and heard her talking.

"Ahh thank god Yoongi you were there for me."she went to him and hugged him tightly. "I didn't knew what I was going to do. I was so scared you know." She hugged him and Yoongi hugged her back wow. They are pretty close I think. I glanced at then from afar, they were mingling with each other greatly.

Without giving it much attention I went to my study, took those files and left. But one thought was still stuck in my mind,

"Is Y/n in love with Yoongi ??"

Everytime she sees Yoongi, a smile appears on her face. But same goes for me to I am confused. Without gicing that though much attention I focused on mmy driving.

**Time skip at night cause I am lazy**

I came back home and found no one in the living room. I assumed that Y/n must be sleeping peacefully after taking those high dosed medicine so I directly went to her room to check on her just to find Yoongi beside her.

"You didn't left."I encountered him. "Couldn't leave her alone" "But you can go now she is not alone." I said and Yoongi came to me with a package. "These are her medicines and the prescription is inside, just take a look and timings are also given there so d-"

I cut him off in middle by my words which had me thinking the whole night, "I can take care of my wife."

Did I just oh hell nah. "Yes I know you will take care of your wife but still. Anyways I will leave now." And he left.

What did I just do ?? WIFE !?! but technically she is my wife so I don't need to make so much fuss about it anyways. I went towards her sleeping figure and got close to her face, " good night pumpkin." I caressed her forehead and left the room.


To be continued...

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Ok now meme of the day :

Annyong 💀💀👍

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