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- luneetoilex


   "AMELIA," She jumped, Steve Harrington stood behind her as she put her books back in her locker. "I need help with Nancy."

   "What do you need help with?" She slammed the locker door shut, slinging the backpack on her shoulder.

   "I need to get her something nice."

   "The whole point of Love Story and ice cream is to get over it. Move on." She stuck her finger in his chest, voice stern.

   "C'mon," He rolled his eyes. "It's Nance, Amelia, I need to do something." Amelia felt an unfamiliar ache in her chest.

   "Okay fine, I'll help." The eyeroll hiding the pain glazing over her eyes.

   "Okay so," Amelia turned in her seat to face Steve "What kinda thing are we looking for?" Steve shrugged, his eyes never moving from Amelia's face. A soft smile painted his face

   "It has to be something she'll love," Steve explained, waving his right hand to prove his point. "It has to be perfect." The ache returned.

   Amelia wracked her brain for ideas. One burned red in the front of her mind.

   "I have one." Steve grinned like a child who had been told they could have anything in a candy store and Amelia's stomach sunk even deeper.

   She directed him down streets and when they pulled up next to an old antiques store, Steve's look of confusion was enough to make Amelia chuckle.

   "Nancy always loves these types of shops," Amelia slammed the car door, wrapping her arms around her as an attempt to keep herself warm. "When we were our four, we'd spend hours in this place finding cool things." The door tinkled as she opened it, the antique shop was a maze of shelves, all piled high with different things.

   "So what does she want from here?" He picked up a dusty statue and narrowed his eyes at it before setting it back on the shelf with a thud.

   "So I may have broken the clasp on her favourite vintage purse, but this store has another one and she almost killed me and herself when I said I would replace it." Steve furrowed his brow at Amelia in silent questioning. "I don't know either. Let me go get the lady so she can find it." Amelia smiled at Steve before walking off.

   The shelves really felt claustrophobic when she wandered through alone. They felt like they could fall in on her at any minute. She took a deep breath.

   "Hello?" She called, the sound fizzling out around her. A tall blur of denim and brown hair passed her vision. "Hey?" She called to the empty aisles.

  "Uh hi?" His head popped out of the corner of the aisle, British accent very prominent. "You need some help?" He smiled softly at her and the butterflies in her stomach sprung to life. 

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now