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- luneetoilex


   THE NIGHTMARES RETURNED. After the events that occurred in the Byer's house, Amelia suffered with nightmares for months before she managed to rid herself of them. After trapping the Demogorgon Dustin named 'Dart', the nightmares had returned.

    She jerked awake to her room already flooded in light, the phone ringing beside her. She picked up before her mother started yelling.

   "Brown Household." She mumbled groggily, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

   "Are you ready?" Steve whispered down the phone.

  "Bring your car down to my house so I can put my stuff in your car. Meet you out front in 10." She dropped the phone back down on it's receiver. She loaded her backpack with supplies - her weapons, first aid kit, emergency food and her radio with spare batteries. She heard Steve's car engine turn off out front and the door shut softly enough that her mother wouldn't hear.

   He tiptoed up the stairs, past the loud stair he learned to avoid. Her door creaked slightly as he slid inside the door of her bedroom. He smiled at her as she laced up her boots, settling himself beside her on the bed.

   "Hey." He breathed, barely loud enough to hear. She wouldn't have heard him if they weren't mere inches apart.

   "Hi," She smiled softly at him. The brown in his eyes engulfed by his pupils as he stared at her. 

   She pulled the scuffed Doc Martin boots on and she snuck out the door, checking for anyone to witness the several illegal weapons that lay in the back of Steve's car. They loaded up the trunk and Amelia radioed Dustin to tell him that they were on their way.

   "How'd you sleep?" Steve asked after several tense minutes of silence.

   "Horribly," Amelia admitting, breathing out a small laugh. "What about you?" She looked at him, eyes tired and afraid.

   "About the same." He smiled, laughing slightly. "Just, don't get yourself in a situation like last time." Amelia smiled softly.

   "Don't worry, you won't get another 'hero' scene." Amelia laughed lightly while Steve pulled up outside the Henderson house. Amelia radioed Dustin to tell him to come but his mom had probably already noticed they were here.

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now