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- luneetoilex



   KIERAN WAS TALKING ABOUT MUSIC WITH HER. They walked up the side of the parking lot together, Amelia's bag in one of Kieran's hand and his skateboard in another. Steve's car pulled out from the space next to hers and her chest felt the all too familiar ache.

   She liked Kieran, he was funny, they shared interests, and he did good in school. He had already sent in his application to Indiana State and there was no doubt he would get in. He played guitar, he was lead singer at his last band, he was already liked well enough by teachers and students alike. She liked him. Why didn't she feel the spark?

   "Thanks for helping me out today, I appreciate it." He smiled, passing Amelia her bag to her. She slid the key into the door of her car, clicking the lock and throwing her bag into the backseat.

   "No worries, it's what friends are for." Kieran's smile felt more artificial once she mentioned 'friends'. "I'm going to be late for Dustin's, see you later." She ducked into the car, seatbelt clicking. Her foot pressed against the pedal and she pulled out of Hawkins High parking lot.

   She pressed her horn as she drew up beside the bike rack, startling the four middle schoolers gathered there. She pushed the passenger side door open.

   "Get in Henderson." She called and Dustin untethered his bike, throwing it into her trunk. "See you losers!" She smiled at the other middle schoolers as Dustin's seatbelt clicked and they pulled away from the middle school.

   "I thought I was biking home?" Dustin questioned her, pulling a cassette out of her extensive collection, pushing it into the player.

   "Your mom called me, Mews is missing and she wanted me to pick you up while she looked for her." Dustin's eyes widened in panic. "It's okay, we'll find her." She rested her hand on Dustin's shoulder, rubbing reassuringly. 

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now