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AMELIA PUSHED THE HELLO KITTY BANDAIDS TO STEVE'S BEATEN FACE GINGERLY. The kids surrounded her, first aid box waiting for her in Dustin's hands. Max sighed, the keys jingling in her hands.

   "Just leave him, he'll wake up before Billy anyway." She complained. Amelia put the spare plasters back into the first aid kit, smoothing one of the plasters onto his face delicately. She got to her feet, gently placing Steve's head back down on the hardwood floor with a small thud.

   "No, Max, We're not leaving him," Amelia started the tap, water rushing through before the pressure softened. "You don't know how large a dose you gave Billy, he could wake up at any moment and actually kill Steve." She dried her hands on the dishtowel Steve had threw down only hours previously. She was hit by a gust of cold air as she opened the Byers refridgertor and pulled a cold pack out, throwing it to Dustin who caught it.

   She looked around at the kids as she grabbed his ankles, preparing herself for the weight she was about to haul to Billy's car. The kids looked at her blankly before Max took lead, walking out the door and to the car, kids following.

   "Just me and you, Harrington." She whispered under her breath to the unconsious boy. She tucked both of his abnormally hairy legs (that she would tell him made her gag later) under her arms and began the slow process of dragging him around Billy's body, out to the porch and down the few stairs to the car. Around the porch part of the process, she shifted herself so her arms were hooked under his and his head rested on her chest as she walked backwards slowly.

   The process of getting Steve into the car was surprisingly easy, though it did involve Amelia pushing him in by his weirdly good ass. Steve flopped over Mike's lap into the middle seat, Amelia instructing them to make sure he didn't die while she was driving, her language littered with swearing and only light threats.

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now