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WARNING: there is a slightly explicit scene towards the end of the chapter, if you're uncomfortable with that in any way, skip the entire scene after 'both teens ended up in the pool'.

- luneetoilex





SHE THREW THE PEBBLES AT HIS WINDOW. They made a clicking sound as they bounced off it. The window slid open and a smiling, sleepy eyed Steve stuck his head out the window.

"It's open," He yelled down. "I was up earlier and unlocked it for you." Amelia smiled up at him and slid the door open.

She stepped inside the Harrington's kitchen alone for the first time. She kicked her shoes off at the door, placing them onto the rack. Her padded feet made their way through the large house to the staircase. She climbed the stairs and turned the corner into Steve's bedroom.

It was messy - as it always was - his teenage boy posters coated every wall possible, framed photographs scattered every surface - Amelia's face now among them - and his bed where he was now draped across was messy and unmade.

Amelia took in the room and it's thick, sweet aroma of Farrah Fawcett spray. She scanned the room for any abnormalities, something was off with it from the last time she was there.

Then she spotted it, just underneath his desk, tucked under a pair of jeans was a dark blue notebook.

She knelt down to grab it when Steve darted forwards to grab it, moving faster than she had ever seen him move. He snatched the notebook clean out of her hands, darting back to slam it into his bedside drawer.

"What was that about?" She chuckled breathily, flopping down onto the bed beside him.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He replied shortly and avoided looking down at where Amelia lay next to him flicking through the magazine he was reading.

"Hm," She threw the magazine off to the side gently. It made a scratchy sound as it collided with the wall before hitting the floor with a soft thud. "Okay." She shrugged, turning onto her side to face him.

Steve studied her face for a couple moments. He enjoyed looking at her face, checking to see what had changed since the last time he saw her.

Her freckles seemed to multiply by the day, spreading from her nose across her cheeks and upwards towards her forehead. Her lips were tinted darker and less dry, he put it down to a new tinted chapstick. A small scratch had found itself on the end of her nose, barely there unless you looked really closely - which was what Steve was doing now.

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now