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- luneetoilex



   SHE WOKE AROUND FOUR AM. The sun was just creeping through the trees, penetrating Steve's curtains. The room was warm but both kids kept the sheets firmly above their chests as they slept.

   Amelia was facing the wall without the window and she hated that she couldn't see how bright it was. If she turned around, she'd be face to face with Steve Harrington. A naked Steve Harrington.

   Amelia was aware she was naked too, her wet bikini bottoms were probably sitting at his doorway. Steve's arm was carefully placed around her waist, holding her close to him.

   She could feel his soft, even breath tickling the hair on the back of her neck and her breathing evened into step with his, their chests rising and falling in sync.

   She gently turned around to face him, being incredibly careful not to wake him. He looked so peaceful with his lips parted slightly and expression relaxed.

   It dawned on Amelia, he'd wake at some point. He'd wake up, say good morning, smile at her, ask her how she slept. Or, he'd wake up and realise that he made a mistake. He'd realise that he was only into her last night because he'd been away from Nancy for so long. He'd wake up and realise that she was nothing more than a rebound.

   Amelia felt like someone was sitting on her chest.

   She swept his - now dry - messy hair out of his face, gently, just as she moved his wet hair out of his face in the pool. Her hand moved to cup his jaw, stroking his cheek gently. She memorised every minuscule detail of his face as he slept, she doubted that she'd ever be this close to him again.

   Her lips brushed his forehead in a silent apology, her eyes flickering closed for only a second.

   "I'm sorry, Steve," She whispered. "I'm sorry I'm a coward."

   She slipped out of his arms as gently as she could. His eyebrows scrunched at the loss of contact. He shifted slightly, arms searching for the other source of heat that was in the bed only a moment before.

   She watched him as she dressed and gathered her things. He looked so calm when he was asleep.

   She draped her purse across her body, taking one last drink of the scene before her before she shut his bedroom door behind her.

   She got in her car and drove to Maia's house.

   STEVE WAS GENTLY BROUGHT OUT OF SLEEP BY AMELIA'S TURNING. He felt her breath fan out over her face. God, how did she still smell like strawberries? Steve kept his eyes shut, quietly drinking in the moment.

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now