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- luneetoilex



   THE DOOR SWUNG OPEN. Amelia didn't really believe it at first. Her brain wouldn't comprehend what she was seeing. El was dead. The party had seen it. Yet there she stood. She looked badass.

   "El." She whispered, but nobody heard. Mike stepped forward, pulling the girl into a hug. His tears spilt freely as weapons fell and smiles broke the surface. Eleven was alive. Amelia let out a breathy laugh, allowing herself to collapse into Steve's side, who held her up with his free arm. He smiled down at the exhausted girl who watched her loved ones with tired, glittering eyes. Amelia stood, not really taking in what was going on around her, everyone could be massacring each other for all she cared, she soaked in the feeling of Steve's arms around her. 

   "She's alive." She whispered, looking up at Steve, eyes dancing. Steve knew just then, he knew there could be nobody else. "I'm gonna to go say hello." Amelia untangled herself from Steve's warm embrace and pulled El towards her.

   "Amy!" The girl shrieked as Amelia pulled the shorter girl into a suffocating hug. Her arms snaked around Amelia and Amelia rested her head on top of the shorter girls. She pulled away slightly to see the girl.

   "You're alive. You're really here," She slapped at the girls face lightly, El giggling under her touch. "I missed you so much." She pulled the girl in for one last hug, El mumbling into her top about how much she missed Amelia, before Amelia retreated back to the arms of Steve, allowing the girl to greet the other people in the Byers house.

   Joyce pulled El aside to talk to her and Amelia sunk into the Byers couch, thoroughly exhausted. Something burned deep inside her chest, like someone was pushing a red hot poker into her sternum. Her nose ran with blood.

   "Hey, Amelia, are you alright?" Steve crouched down in front of the couch, grabbing a tissue from the side for her to catch the blood on. She held the tissue, plugging her nose. She could feel a headache threatening to split the surface. Steve sat beside her on the couch and Amelia let her head fall onto his shoulder.

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now