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- luneetoilex.



   IT WAS 8:24PM and Amelia Brown was at Steve Harrington's front door. She had been contemplating whether to knock or not but Maia had screamed down the phone when she said where the shoes had been left.

   She took a deep breath and knocked. She heard the scuttling of sock covered feet on hardwood floors and the door swung open. Steve Harrington was shirtless, pyjama pants slung low on his waist and a blanket was draped over his shoulders like a cape.

   "Brown?" His head cocked to the side slightly and his brow furrowed in confusion. His eyes were rimmed red and a smudge of ice cream was stuck to his upper lip. Amelia rocked on her feet at the front step.

   "Hi," The faint sounds of Love Story came from inside the house. "I left my shoes in your car last night and Maia is gonna flip her shit if I don't get them back."

   "Oh yeah I brought them in with me last night," His head whipped from side to side as he checked the door area for her shoes. "Come in, I don't remember where I put them."

   She followed him through the massive house as he frantically searched for where he dropped them. The sounds of Love Story were hard to ignore now.

   "Have you talked to her yet?"

   "Yes." He sighed, rummaging in a closet.

   "How did it go?"



   The silence that followed was an uncomfortable one. The only sounds were the scuttling on Steve's feet on the floor and Love Story from the room next door.

   "Is that actually Love Story?" A small smile crept onto her face as she walked towards the sound. She pushed open the door to the living room to find a spread similar to her last heartbreak. An empty ice cream tub lay on the  coffee table and blankets coated the couch so you could barely make out it was a couch. Love Story played on the TV in the corner of the room and her shoes lay next to the other couch.

   "Found your shoes." Steve sighed. Breathy laughter escaped her lips.

   "You actually took my advice?" She turned to him, smiling. He fought the small smile that threatened to make its way to his lips. She sat on the ouch with the discarded blankets Steve had decided weren't good enough for the fort. His arms tightened around his middle, shivering slightly from departing his blanket fort.

   "Yeah well, turns out it's pretty damn good advice." He shrugged, picking up the empty ice cream tub. 

   Amelia picked up the shoes, awkwardly standing in the middle of his living room.

   "You weren't at school" Steve pointed out, silently asking her why.

   "Yeah well I was fighting off a killer hangover." Her head was still spinning a little.

   "Fair enough," He shifted on his feet. "You were pretty wasted last night."

   "I don't survive Tina's parties sober."

   "Y'know that's pretty fair," He started towards the kitchen, Amelia following. "Staying sober last night was a struggle. You don't know how many times I had people grab my ass." Amelia noted that the bridge of Steve's nose got a crease in it when he laughed.

   "Same here," Steve noted that you could only see the green of her hazel eyes when she laughed. "Billy is not a good dance partner." She laughed, Steve didn't.

   "You were with Billy last night?"

   "Yeah?" She didn't understand why he was upset.

   "Oh," He pulled at another hangnail.

   "Uh, I'll need to be home soon so." She sped up her words. The uncomfortable tension could be cut with a knife. She stood up from the couch, moving the shoes from one hand to the next. Steve nodded curtly and she sped past him back to the foyer. Steve offered her a tight smile she did not return as he shut the door.

   She walked from one empty house to another with her heart tight. She didn't know why Steve's reaction hurt so bad. It was Steve Harrington.

   Steve shut that door and cried. He sobbed his heart out. Not because Nancy Wheeler broke up with him. Not because his dad didn't care about him. And definitely not because Billy Hargrove pushed him off his popularity pedestal 

   It was because he screwed everything up with Amelia Brown.

   And that hurt more than any heartbreak.



this is rly short but its rly important so deal w it

we get a big one next time dw

kisses for all of u xoxox

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