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- luneetoilex


   SPRING BREAK WAS USUALLY A DEPRESSING AFFAIR. A week where all the kids she knew went away to visit family, Maia included, and she would be left alone to deal with her mother 24/7. This summer was different, she had Kieran and Steve this time. 

   Amelia planned to spend most of her time with Kieran, hopefully go to a couple gigs, get ice cream, watch movies, play guitar with him, learn to skateboard and hopefully meet his band. But, Mrs Wallace wasn't giving Kieran the entirety of Spring Break off, he worked Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 10am until 4pm. The time not spent with Kieran would be spent bugging Steve Harrington. Steve's father had a business trip the entirety of spring break and his mother followed him to every one so Steve's house was empty. The best part of Steve's house that none of the neighbours had was the pool. Steve Harrington's pool was about to become Amelia's best friend as the heatwave hit.

   But, it was one of the first days of Spring Break, the freedom still tasted fresh in the air as she woke up in Kieran's bed. His sticky arm thrown over her torso holding her body close to his. She could hear the steady breath of his sleep in her ear as she lay. She wriggled out from underneath his arm and threw one of his oversized t-shirts over her before tiptoeing downstairs.

NO SURPRISES  ---  Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now