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" so" I said bringing out the bag from where I hid it. This is claras birthday gift.
" am still saying the same thing, this bag is outdated. Even my grandma has Better bags" my husband said
" honey Clara knows nothing about fashion , so we just have to convince her. You know this is all I can afford right now" I said
" try your luck. Clara my child!!!" My husband shouted
" Clara !!" I called out too

Finally she walked down with her best friend Diana.

" what!!! mum is this my birthday present" she shouted at me
" Clara have some respect. This is not an ordinary bag" I said and she got interested
" really" she said
" this bag is our family's pride. Our generation bag" I said touching my husband
" that's my right my child " my husband added
" wow... mum tell me more" Clara replied in a happy smile

I stood up then demonstrated my cat walk with the bag and she was so amazed

" do you know with this bag, your grandma won miss world and I won miss universe" I said in style

" wow really mum" Clara said

" yes it's very expensive, millions of dollars invested in it. It can never go out of fashion" I said

" oh my God" Clara said in an emotional smile as she knelt down to receive the bag

"I love you my baby and that is why I am giving you this bag. This bag will take you places" I said then I gave her the bag.

" thank you mum. I love you" she said then she hugged me.

Oh , finally

She stood up in a happy smile

" now come and I will show you how to walk with this bag and make heads turn" I said

She dropped the bag on Diana lap and we both cat-walked around the living room.

We posed and that was when Clara noticed that Diana dropped her bag on the floor.

Omg 😱

" hey!!!!!!" She shouted on top of her voice then rushed Diana

Me and her dad held her tight as she struggled to rush Diana

" sorry sorry" Diana Apologized as she lifted the bag

" my generation bag doesn't touch the floor. Diana!!!" She screamed

" sorry sorry" we all apologized.

She rushed over then placed the bag on top of her fathers well ironed work shirts then she smiled

" mum let's continue cat walking" she said as she rushed back to me

" Anna my dear sister. Assuming you weren't so stubborn , you won't be in this condition right now" I said as I touched her hair.

I looked around her hospital room

" indeed dad loves you more than me, he always did. He turned the third floor of this hospital into your paradise. He hired so many hand maids, they dress you up, make you up, adorn you with gold and diamonds. But you know what, you are still in coma so I am winning" I said then I laughed happily as I walked about her room

" first it was dad, then it was this hospital ( a.g. H.c) I could endure it. But when you took Ryan, you brought out the beast in me Anna. Why did you take Ryan from me!!" I screamed then I wiped my tears.

" you deserve to die. Then everything you have will become mine. Ryan too, this hospital too"I said then I covered her face with the bedsheet before walking out

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