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      The Caddels were one of the most respected and prominent wizarding families in the wizarding world, and most people instantly recognized them when they walked into a room. Their blood was as pure as it could get, also being part of the sacred twenty-eight. It was as if the crimson liquid flowing through their veins was a filter for any impurity. 

Cassiopeia Caddel grew up in a house where love and affection weren't a common thing, hatred was the only common display of emotion. Her father, Atticus Caddel, was an essential person in the ministry as head of the Wizengamot and influenced people greatly. He was a cruel man and everyone knew that, but nobody knew how cruel he was except for his wife and only daughter. He was a softly fat man and somewhat plump. He had a long crooked nose and always looked angry according to Cassiopeia that is. 

Celeste Malfoy was from a very noble family as well and she got married into another pureblood who happens to be none other than Atticus Caddel. it was as if her blood couldn't possibly get purer. Just like the other sacred twenty-eight wives, Celeste Caddel didn't work but mostly occupied her time by organizing fancy balls and dinner parties. She was a tall slim woman with shoulder-length, pin-straight platinum blonde hair that resembled very much of the Malfoys. She had a thin face with hollow cheekbones along with stormy grey eyes and a look of complete disgust or arrogance that was always displayed on her face.

Finally, the heir of the Caddels and all their fortune, Cassiopeia Caddel. Unlike her parents, Cassiopeia seemed to always understand everyone, she could almost understand how someone was feeling or what they were thinking just by their expression, some even might say she was a legilimens. Once again unlike her parents Cassiopeia had different beliefs. Her parents, Atticus and Celeste, would always talk about how muggle-borns and half-bloods were not worthy of magic yet Cassiopeia found their idea of that topic pathetic and meaningless. Cassiopeia was quite rebellious when she was younger but her parents managed to erase any trace of mischief in her blood by the time she was eight years old. She was a very blunt person and always said the first thing that came to her mind with no shame, that was the only part of her personality her parents couldn't change. Cassiopeia had long platinum blonde hair with soft waves and big bright hazel eyes that were a warm brown from the middle and had a brilliant green hue on the thick outline of her pupils.



Hey, lovelies!

First time writing and it's solely for the purpose of fun and entertainment, also English isn't my first language so I'm tryinggg to make everything perfect!!!

Q: What is your favourite colour?

A: purple!

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