Chapter 18

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 "Why is he staring at you like that?" Marlene, who was sitting next to Cassiopeia said as she nodded toward the Slytherin table.

The other two girls, who had their backs to the Slytherin table turned around and scanned the table until they caught sight of Malfoy smirking wicked smirk.

"That's him! He's the one who called me a mudblood yesterday!" Lily exclaimed when she faced her friends again. They all cringed when she said the slur.

A letter dropped in front of Cassiopeia. It wasn't a howler. She took the letter and put it in her pocket quickly.

"Who's it from?" Alice asked as she saw the cold expression on Cassiopeia's face.

"My parents."

"You still didn't answer my question. Why is he staring like that?" Marlene frowned.

"He told my parents something."

"Why would he tell your parents anything? Who even is he?"

"He's my cousin," She sighed.

"Open the letter, Cass," Lily smiled at her.

Cassiopeia looked at the three of them and took out the letter. She opened it and saw it wasn't too long.

Cassiopeia Celeste Caddel,

It seems that disgracing our name has become one of your new hobbies. What were you thinking? Befriending Mudbloods and blood traitors? If I hear one more complaint regarding your behavior, you will only be worsening your punishment when you get home for Christmas. You better not think to rebel against your father and I's orders and stay in the castle. Say hello to Lucius for me.

Be home by Christmas.

Celeste Caddel

The letter didn't scare Cassiopeia one bit. In fact, it only made her angry. She rolled her eyes and passed the letter to Marene who was trying to read over her shoulder.

"Worsening your punishment?" Marlene grimaced and looked at Cassiopeia who shrugged.

The letter was passed among them. Lily had her eyes wide and a concerned look on her face. Alice had a sad look on her face.

"You're parents sound awful," Alice said.

"I'm going to hex that ugly git!" Cassiopeia fumed as she glared at Lucius who was still smirking at her in amusement.

"No, you will not!" Lily scolded.

"First of all, he called you a you-know-what yesterday. Secondly, he snitched to my mother about things that didn't concern him in the slightest. So yeah, I definitely will."

"He's way older than you, and obviously more skilled than you, Cassie," Alice reasoned.

"Turn his hair bright pink! As you did with mine but make his neon pink!" Marlene said enthusiastically.

"Oww! That was my leg!" Cassiopeia glared at Lily.

"Sorry, It was meant for Marls,"

"Hey!" Marlene glared at the redhead. "Oh look! He's leaving!" Marlene said when she saw Lucius stand up and walk out of the Great Hall with his friends.

"I've got a more fun idea, honestly." Cassiopeia shrugged.

"What're you on about?"

"It's a surprise," She grinned.

"You better finish your homework today," Lily said looking between the two blondes.

"Way to ruin the mood, Lils," Cassiopeia rolled her eyes

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