Chapter 21

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September turned into October, then November, and now December.

Cassiopeia had grown closer than ever with James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Alice, and Lily. They were like the family she always needed.

She would always cause mayhem with the other four boys. Even Remus and Peter had finally joined Sirius, Cassiopeia, and James for all the pranks. They transfigured books into ducks. They would explode their cauldrons just for the sake of a laugh.

They managed to sneak into every common room including the Ravenclaw common room which took them the longest since the five of them could never solve the riddles to enter the common room, not even Remus.

One day everyone at the Slytherin table would have purple hair and yell at the five kids in Cassiopeia's voice. The next day everyone at the Hufflepuff table would be screeching like angry birds when their teeth had grown over four feet out of their mouths.

They made sure that everybody knew who they were. They made sure that their presence was always acknowledged, well more Cassiopeia, James, and Sirius.

The girls were like Cassiopeia's sisters. They would stay up every night, gossiping and laughing. Marlene would do their hair in different styles every day, Lily would sometimes let Marlene and Cassiopeia copy her homework, and Alice would always have them supplied with music.

James had even confessed his love for Lily somewhere in the middle of November. Even after getting harshly rejected, James was still persistent and would confess his love for Lily every time he saw her.

James was also the one who suggested a name for the group of friends, which Cassiopeia found quite corny. The five troublemakers were known among Hogwarts as the marauders.

Cassiopeia had received almost a hundred detentions over the months along with James and Sirius. Remus and Peter were always a bit more careful when it came to causing mayhem. With every detention Cassiopeia got, she would receive a letter from one of her parents. A threat to be exact.

Every letter was burnt in the common room fire. Cassiopeia couldn't care less. She was enjoying her life at Hogwarts too much to even spare a thought about her parents. But now, Christmas was getting closer, and the reality of the situation would hit her in waves of dread.

One of those waves included that day when she was sitting with Lily, Marlene, and Alice during breakfast. The Christmas break was only two days away. Her punishment was two days away. She was going to get tortured in two days-

"Goodmorning, my Lily-pad!" James greeted with a wink. Marlenee and Alice groaned, Lily rolled her eyes, and Cassiopeia looked between them in amusement.

"Go away, Potter,"

"Go out with me first,"

"I'll never go with you, you bullying arrogant toe-rag!"

"Oh, but-"

"My bad, ladies," Sirius winked as he threw his arm over James' shoulder and walked away with him.

"I will never understand how you're friends with them!" Lily groaned.

"Well, if you give James a chance, you'll know why,"

"Not a chance!"

"Cassie? Since when did you dye your hair?" Alice, who was sitting beside Cassiopeia asked.

"I didn't dye it," Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow.

"I noticed too, when I was doing your hair last week, but I figured it was just me!" Marlene grinned.

"Are you two colour blind?"

"It's almost a light brown colour, Cass," Lily said as a matter of fact.

"You too?" Cassiopeia rolled her eyes.

"Oh! By the way, my mom invited you guys over for christmas," Lily smiled.

"I'll come! Anywhere is better than staying with my brothers, and it'll be with you guys, so that's good!" Marlene said. Marlene always complained about her brothers. She had four older brothers and three younger ones.

"I'll ask my mom, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind," Alice shrugged after she swallowed her piece of bacon.

Cassiopeia only poked her food and looked up at the silence to find the three girls staring at her expectantly. "What?"

"Were you listening?"


"So will you be able to come?" Lily asked hopefully.

Cassiopeia snorted and gave a sarcastic look. "I'm not even allowed to be your friend, you think my dear parents will let me come over to your house?"

"Right. I almost forgot about that. My address is four Privet Drive, Little Whinging if your parents change their mind." Lily mumbled in disappointment. Yeah right! Cassiopeia could almost laugh but she didn't.

"I hope they die," Marlene said suddenly. Me too, Marlene. Me too.

"Marlene!" Alice and Lily yelled at the same time with wide eyes.

"What? I think Cassie wouldn't mind them dead, would you?"

Cassiopeia only shrugged.

"Where do you think Remus is?" Alice asked looking over to the three marauders.

"He was ill yesterday, so he went to the hospital wing," Cassiopeia shrugged. Her theory of Remus being a werewolf from the start of the year was confirmed when he disappeared the next two full moons. She had a feeling that James, Sirius, and Peter knew too, but she never asked.

If Remus trusted her enough to tell her, then he would. Cassiopeia would only visit him the morning after the full moon, leaving lots of chocolate and a cup of butterbeer from the kitchens.

"He's been getting ill more often, don't you think?" Lily frowned. Cassiopeia knew Lily was too smart and would eventually figure it out.

"I wouldn't worry too much," Cassiopeia dismissed.

"You two better start packing, Alice and I are already packed."

"You've got six bags to pack, remember?" Alice giggled.

"I'm not going to take all of them, obviously," Cassiopeia rolled her eyes in amusement.

Classes were uneventful like every other day. Almost everyone had slept through history, Professor Binn had given up on giving out detentions and taking away house points.

They ended the day with double potions. James had tripped Snape, Snape fell face first, the glass bowl of ingredients went flying in the air and shattering into hundreds of little pieces, Lily confronted James after class, James asked Lily out, Lily yelled in his face, told him off, called him a bullying arrogant toe rag (which she seemed to be saying rather a lot), stormed off, James complained all the way through dinner, and Cassiopeia was finally in the comfort of her bed.


Filler chapter.

Tell me what you think lovelies <3

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