Chapter 09

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Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One...

Cassiopeia jumped out of bed, taking off her bright pink robe so she could move more freely. She quietly tip-toed out of the dormitory for the second time that night. Climbing down the spiral staircase and walking into the now-empty common room, Cassiopeia realized that it was not empty.

She almost gasped in disgust when she caught sight of a girl and a boy eating each other's faces in front of the fire, she walked toward the portrait and decided to wait outside with a grimace.

After about ten minutes the portrait finally opened again to reveal two boys.

"Why are you late?" Cassiopeia questioned impatiently.

"We're fashionably late, darling," Sirius smirked and winked.

"You'd know all about that wouldn't you?" She mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes. "And don't call me darling," 

"What's that supposed to mean, darling?"

"Cut it out you two!" James groaned.

"She started it!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"


"I'm going back straight to bed if you two don't stop acting like children!" James hissed.

Cassiopeia kept glaring at Sirius' grinning face. 

"I heard a kid next to me talking about a portrait of a bowl of fruits and then something about a pear during dinner. Reckon we should go check it out?" Cassiopeia said when they started walking aimlessly.

"I doubt anyone is a kid compared to you, darling"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Her glare returned to Sirius again.

"What do you think, darling?"

"If you don't stop calling me that, I'm going to claw your eyes out, Black!"

"Merlin! Will you two stop acting like a married couple already?" James groaned.

"Eww!" Cassiopeia grimaced.

"First stage: denial, denial, denial,"

"Yeah right, you wish!"

"But that wish seems to be true,"

"Keep dreaming, Black" She scoffed.

 "Oi! About that portrait, yeah let's check it out. Where exactly are we supposed to look for it?" James cut them off.

"I have no idea, mate" Sirius shrugged.

"Well, genius, he was clearly not asking you," She rolled her eyes.

"It didn't look like he was asking you either,"

"Are you stupid?"

"Are you?"

"I'm going to cut my ears off!" James interrupted again.

"Er- right, somewhere near the Hufflepuff common room?"

"And how do we get there?" Sirius asked.

"It's my first day here too, you know?" Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow.

"When we were leaving the great hall, the Hufflepuffs went down the stairs," added James after a second of silence.

"And how do we get to the Great Hall?"

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