Chapter 08

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  After almost an hour of tossing and turning in bed, Cassiopeia decided she was too nervous to sleep. She couldn't help but think about her parents even though she promised herself not to. She finally got out of bed and quietly left the dormitory.

She climbed down the spiral staircase leading to the common room. There were still a few older students sitting on the couches. Cassiopeia recognized a mop of long black hair sitting before the fire.

"Why are you still awake?" She sat down next to him and pulled her knees to lean her head on.

"I couldn't sleep. You?" Sirius looked at her.

"Couldn't sleep either,"

They both sat in comfortable silence, just watching the fire glow.

"What do you think is going to happen?" He said.

"I've had my fair share of guesses,"

"Me too, that's why I couldn't sleep,"

"What should we do?"

"Should we write to them?"

"I'm not sure... I don't want them to spoil the first few days for me, but I also don't want them to find out through another source..."

"Another source?" Sirius repeated in confusion.

"Yeah, I mean like Walburga is definitely going to find out from Narcissa Black soon enough if you don't beat her to it,"

"What makes you think Narcissa will be the one to tell her?"

"The way she was looking at you when you got sorted," Cassiopeia shrugged. "My parents will find out from bloody Evan Rosier if I'm not the one to tell them. He'll make sure to word it in the most gruesome way possible!" She giggled and Sirius chuckled at her giggle.

A comfortable silence fell upon them once again.

" Let's go explore the castle,"

"What, Now?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Now. I think it'll be brilliant, the entire castle will be empty except for us!" Sirius grinned at her widely.

"What about James?"

"What about him?"

"He'll want to come too,"

"Then let him come, it'll be so fun!"

"Wait, I'll go get him," Cassiopeia only nodded in response. In less than two minutes the two boys descended the boys' dorms staircase.

"You guys are bloody brilliant!" James grinned.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Cassiopeia ushered them excitedly. Walking toward the portrait, Sirius slinging an arm over James' shoulder and James doing the same to Cassiopeia, A voice interrupted them.

"And where do you three think you're going?"

Cassiopeia stiffened and she felt James stiffen beside her too. Hesitantly, they three of them turned around and saw and older boy, his arms folded and glaring at them in a suspicious manner.

"Nowhere," James and Cassiopeia said in sync as the three of them tried to contain grins and laughs.

"Well, if you three haven't noticed, it's way past curfew, so I suggest you each return back to your dorms. We've lost the house cup to slytherin for a few years now. We don't want three irresponsible ruffians ruining our chances of winning the cup. So follow the rules and don't cause trouble! You hear me?"

Cassiopeia felt rage bubble inside her at him calling them 'three irresponsible ruffians'.

"What exactly does ruffians mean?" James frowned in confusion.

"He just called us irresponsible hooligans." Sirius replied through gritted teeth, glaring at the older boy.

"And who are you to tell us what to do?" James asked arrogantly.

"I happen to be the Gryffindor sixth year prefect!" the older boy answered angrily. "What are your names?" He asked looking between them.

"Salazar," Cassiopeia said innocently.

"Merlin," Sirius smirked, not missing a heartbeat.

"Well I can't be Helga nor Rowena!" James raised his hands in the air.

The older boy looked at them sharply and his glare landed on Cassiopeia. "Think you're funny, do you?"

Cassiopeia gasped. "You think so too! Aww, I don't know how to take compliments, young man!" She covered her mouth giggling and waved her hand at him. James and Sirius snorted in laughter as they tried hard to contain laughs.

"Go to your dormitories! Now! Before I go and call Professor Mcgonagall!" He threatened. The few students who were in the common room were watching the conversation in amusement at the wit of the three first years.

"Who made him think he's all that?" James rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I heard that!" The older boy called after them.

"That was the whole point, wasn't it?" Sirius smirked at the prefect and the three of them sniggered.

"Meet us back here at midnight!" James whispered in her ear before they parted ways.

Cassiopeia ascended the spiral staircase for the second time that night with a huge grin on her face.


A pretty short chapter, my apologies.

Q: On a scale from 1-10, how strict are your parents?

A: 12/10

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