Chapter 20

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Walking to dinner with Alice, Lily, and Marlene, Cassiopeia remembered that she still hadn't told her friends.

"Do you guys remember when I left before lunch?"

"Yeah, and you weren't there when we left," Alice nodded as they all sat together.

"Well-" Cassiopeia was cut off with a loud yell from the entrance and laughter. They all crooked their necks to see what the commotion was about.

Marlene, Lily, and Alice gasped while Cassiopeia looked over to James and Sirius with a huge grin. Storming into the Great Hall, Lucius Malfoy had bright pink hair, and his face was covered with red and gold strips.

"It was you!" Marlene yelled in excitement at Cassiopeia who grinned in response.

"You asked for neon pink, so I gave you neon pink,"

"And the face too!" Alice laughed

"Sirius and James helped me. Oh, by the way, remind me to tell you what happened after dinner." They all nodded.

Cassiopeia caught Lucius' fuming eye and she smirked, then her eyes widened when he came storming toward her and her friends.

"Shit, shit, shit! He's coming our way!" Marlene panicked.

"I told you not to do anything!" Lily scolded Cassiopeia who rolled her eyes.

"Guys, relax. He won't do anything, there are teachers all over the place,"

"What if he-" But Alice never got to finish her question when a fist slammed on the table between Cassiopeia and Alice. Lily almost yelled, Alice and Marlene yelped, and Cassiopeia didn't even flinch. Violence wasn't new to her.

Cassiopeia looked up at Lucius with a raised eyebrow. "What was that for? Ooh! Love the hair by the way!"

"You did this!" He yelled in her face.

"I've got no idea what you're on about, although I'm going to have to ask you for your skincare. Your skin is glowing!" Cassiopeia grinned and looked back to her plate but Lucius slammed his hand again, making her plate jump.

"Look at me when I speak to you!" He said in a low warning voice.

Cassiopeia huffed and looked at him in annoyance. "Yes?"

"You were the one in the dorm, weren't you? Who was with you?"

"What dorm?" Cassiopeia tried to contain her laugh. She was enjoying annoying him too much. 'That's what you get for being a tattletale.' she thought.

"I'm going to write to your mother if-"

"Because you haven't already done that," Cassiopeia said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. She felt a kick under the table and when she looked away from Lucius she saw Lily giving her a look.

"Listen here you little-"

"What's going on here?" James appeared behind Cassiopeia who had stood up, Sirius was right next to him.

"It doesn't concern you, Potter!"

"You're clearly bothering my friend, so it pretty much is my concern." James folded his arms.

"Friend you say?" He smirked.

"Bugger off, mate."

"How dare you talk to me that way, filthy blood traitor!" Lucius sneered at James. By that point all three of them had their wands pointed at Lucius.

"Leave, Malfoy." Sirius glared at him.

"I'm going to make you pay for this, Caddel. Just you wait and see-"

"Is everything alright here?" Professor Mcgonagall's stern voice cut him off from his threat.

"Malfoy was threatening Cassie" Sirius said, glaring at Lucius.

"Is that true Mr malfoy- Oh! What's wrong with you?"

"They snuck into my dorm and did something to my shampoo and my loofa!"

"Rubbish!" Cassiopeia and James said in unison.

"Who is 'they',  Mr Malfoy?"

"Caddel and Black or Caddel and Potter!" He said glaring at them.

"Why couldn't it have been Black and Potter?" Cassiopeia challenged.

"Because I know you had something to do with it! You filthy piece of-"

"Enough! Ten points from Slytherin!" McGonagall shouted. "Go back to your table, Mr Malfoy! And if I hear any more of these accusations, you will receive detention!"

With one last scowl in Cassiopeia's direction, Lucius stormed out of the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall glared at the three kids and left to retreat back to the staff table.

"Are you okay?" James asked.

"Yeah. Well that was fun." She grinned and James grinned back.

"Stupid git." Sirius muttered still galring after Lucius. "Who does he think he is? Talking to James like that, and threatening you?" He scoffed.

"Calm yourself, Sirius," Cassiopeia put a soothing hand on his arm. He relaxed, smiled at her and walked away with James back to where they were sitting.

Cassiopeia sat back next to Alice and looked at her friends who were all staring at her with slightly wide eyes. "What?"

"What? What?" Lily repeated in disbelief. "What the hell was that!? You snuck into his dorm!?"


"How'd you even know where the common room was?" Alice looked at her in shock.

"That's not the question, Alice! How did you get in!?" Marlene grinned.

"When were you planning to tell us!?" Lily raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you would just use the same spell you used on Marls," Alice said and they all stayed quiet and looked at Cassiopeia expectantly.

"Oh, you're done? Well to answer your questions. I just happen to know. It required a password but of course I didn't know it, so we waited for the last person to leave for lunch and we snuck in before the wall closed. I was planning to tell you after dinner, because some details can't be spoken off when we're eating. And finally, I did use the same spell, just instead of using it directly, we jinxed his shampoo and shower gel." Cassiopeia gasped for air.

"That's so cool!" Marlene grinned.

"No, it's not! You could've got in so much trouble!" Lily rolled her eyes, but there was a small smile on her face.

They walked out of the Great Hall as Cassiopeia went over everything that happened when she, James and Sirius snuck into the common room. They were all equally traumatized. Marlene had even put her fingers in her ears and started singing loudly.


Tell me what you think, lovelies <3

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