Chapter 11

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Flashes passed in front of her eyes. William's dad falling dead. William's sister, dead. William's mother, dead. William, tortured, screaming, withering in pain, a flash of green light, dead. Atticus' dreadful voice repeats over and over again.

'you've got to make them memorable-'



'-let me show you a magic trick-'

'-This one is for you Cassiopeia-'




"Cassie!" Her father's cruel voice faded into a much softer, high-pitched one.

"Is she dead or something?" Another voice said.

"Don't say that!" Slowly opening her eyes, she instantly closed them again, The bright light blinding her. She groaned, feeling her fast heartbeat.

She opened her eyes slowly again and her vision was met with a concerned-looking Lily. Cassiopeia sat up and looked around in confusion when she saw all three girls sitting over her bed.

"She's alive!" Marlene said dramatically. "Oww!" She immediately hissed when Lily nudged her in her ribs.

"W-whas gon on?" Cassiopeia said trying to stifle a yawn but failed.

"You were thrashing in your sleep like crazy!" Marlene said, getting up and walking toward the mirror to continue fixing her hair.

"And...And you were talking too..." Alice added slowly.

"Well that's embarrassing," Cassiopeia frowned. "What was I saying?"

The three girls looked at each other. "Ummm...You were saying something along the lines; don't kill him, he didn't do anything..." Alice answered her. Cassiopeia felt her stomach sink.

"Did I wake you guys up?"

"No, you didn't. Are you okay?" Cassiopeia wanted to throw up. She hated the pitying look Lily was giving her.

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be? It's just a nightmare," She shrugged as she stood up and walked to the bathroom and saw that they were all already dressed including Marlene.

Lily sighed. "Do you want us to wait for you?"

"No, no, It's fine," Cassiopeia called from the bathroom as she shut the door. She stared at herself in the mirror, horrified. She never knew she talked in her sleep. What did you do Cassiopeia? she thought as she washed her face.

She felt her stomach tug at her again when she remembered what happened the night before. She heard the door shut which meant the girls had left for breakfast.

In fifteen minutes, Cassiopeia was dressed and had her blonde hair in a half up half down with a clip. She walked into the common room and saw James and Sirius there, James sitting on one of the armchairs and he looked like he was trying hard not to sleep, and Sirius was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Goodmorning, boys," Cassiopeia grinned, momentarily forgetting about all he worries.

"Ah! Her majesty has finally honored us with her presence!" James said dramatically.

"Why did you take so long? Only half an hour until breakfast is over,"

"I was fashionably late, darling," Cassiopeia winked, mimicking his comment from last night.

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