Chapter 16

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Numb. That's how Cassiopeia felt. Walking out of the common room in a trance. She couldn't hear anything other than Lily's words in her ears. 'Get away from me! I don't ever want to talk to you again!'.

Her feet dragged her as far away from the common room as possible. She didn't know where she was going, she just wanted to be alone.

She saw a sign for the astronomy tower and she climbed up the stairs. The cool night breeze whistled softly, blowing lightly through her hair, the air was temperate, the breeze was cool, and the stars befrilled the dark blue blanket of the night with their ethereal glow.

Cassiopeia leaned her elbows on the metal railing of the tower. Everything came flooding back in. What if Marlene or Lily told one of the boys? Would they hate her too? Would she be lonely again? What about Lily? How was she ever going to explain to her that she wasn't a blood supremacist like she thought?

Cassiopeia hated pity. Pity was what Lily, Marlene, and Alice would feel for her if she explained. She didn't want them to worry about her. 

If she told them about William, it wouldn't make sense. She was going to have to explain everything to them if she still wanted them to be her friends.

But how is that any better? She would tell them, they would feel bad for her, then they would all be friends again, her parents would find out, and she might be the reason her friend is hurt.

Cassiopeia felt so lost. She had no idea what she was supposed to do. It was all so confusing, and she blamed her parents for it all.

She really liked Lily, Marlene, and Alice. She hated having to avoid them, they were some of her first real friends. She loved her new life at Hogwarts, how she could do whatever she wanted freely, eat whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, stay up as long as she wanted, sleep in on weekends, and how she was the one in control of what she did. Not her parents.

She had to tell them, but she couldn't. 

'Get away from me! I don't ever want to talk to you again!'.

'Get away from me! I don't ever want to talk to you again!'

The numbness was gone, she was left with a dull ache in her heart. She felt so stupid. She ruined everything. She-


Cassiopeia jumped out of her skin at the voice. She turned around and saw Sirius walking toward her. She sighed.

"Sirius, what're you doing here?"

"I was looking for you. We saw you leave the common room,"

Cassiopeia didn't know how to respond, so she only smiled and nodded.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just came here for fresh air," She shrugged.

"And you couldn't open the window in your dorm?"


"Just say what's bothering you,"

Cassiopeia sighed. "I messed up, Sirius,"

"What did you do?" He was now next to her, his elbows on the railing as well.

Cassiopeia was silent for a few minutes. She didn't know how to tell him. "Lily, Marlene, and probably Alice think I'm a blood supremacist,"

"But you're not. Why would they ever think that?"

"I'll tell you, but don't ask questions. Promise?"


"Because I've been avoiding Lily since she told us she was muggle-born, and I had to avoid Marlene and Alice too."

"But you weren't avoiding her because of her blood status, were you?"

"No! Not at all!"

"Then why?"

"You promised not to ask questions,"

"Does it have something to do with your parents?"

Cassiopeia looked at him and then looked away in shame. "Yeah,"

"Then tell them," He said in an encouraging tone.

 Cassiopeia knew he meant for her her to tell her friends, not her parents, "I can't! They'll ask too many questions,"

"Then just answer them,"

"It's not that easy, Sirius. If James asked you about your home, I don't expect you'll just open up about Walburga and Orion, will you?"

Sirius stayed quiet. "I would, if it meant I wouldn't lose my friend,"

"What if it puts him in danger?"

"What kind of danger?" Sirius frowned at her in confusion.


 After a few seconds of silence, Sirius finally responded, "I'd tell him, and then he can decide if it's worth the risk or not,"

"That sounds awful,"

"It's not that bad when you think about it,"

"When did you get so wise?" Cassiopeia teased him.

"I've always been this wise!" Sirius whined dramatically and Cassiopeia laughed.

"C'mon, I'll walk you back to the common room,"

 Cassiopeia grinned and said, "What a gentleman!" to which Sirius replied with a wink and slung his arm over her shoulders.

They walked back to the common room, laughing over the silliest things. They bid each other goodnight for the second time that night, and each of them went the opposite way to their dormitories.

Cassiopeia had decided to listen to Sirius, she was going to tell them without saying too much. So, when she opened the door and found the dorm dark, Cassiopeia switched on the lights and woke them all up.

She was going to get her friends back.


I don't think I can describe how much I hate this chapter. Literally one of the most boring, annoying, useless ones yet. (In my opinion :))

Tell me what you think, lovelies <3

Q: What's your favorite song?

A: I have soooo many, but I'll go with sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood!

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