Chapter 22

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Two trunks. Cassiopeia had packed only two trunks out of six. Lily had insisted Cassiopeia and Marlene pack their trunks before dinner. The girls were all going home for the Christmas break. James and Sirius too. Remus and Peter were staying back for the holidays.

Cassiopeia sighed as she zipped her trunk shut. "Marls? You almost done?"

"I've been done ages ago," Marlene said, "Lily forced me to wait for you. Are you done?"

Cassiopeia shook her in amusement. Nobody could come between Marlene and food, and Cassiopeia was doing just that right now. "C'mon, I'm all done,"


"Always so dramatic," Cassiopeia rolled her eyes as the two girls locked arms and left their dorm.

"Me? I'm the dramatic one? Do you even know yourself? Like, at all?"

"Hey- it's not my fault my presence requires some sort of attention!" Said Cassiopeia, pretending to look offended.

"Mhm," Marlene rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Do you need some sort of attention now or can we go to dinner before it's over?"


The Great Hall looked magnificent. Not only were there a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of holly and mistletoe crisscrossing the ceiling, but enchanted snow was falling, warm and dry, from the ceiling. 

Cassiopeia had been in awe at the sight in front of her when she entered with the girls for breakfast. She still was in awe at the magnificent decorations. 

"Oh would you take a look at that," Marlene rolled her eyes as the two girls made their way to Lily and Alice, only to find James walking toward the redhead.

"Don't you look dashing, Lily-flower?" James winked with an arrogant smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm starting to think you enjoy getting insulted, J," Cassiopeia mused as she piled food on her plate.

"Oh Cassie, you know me, anything for my Lily-flower."

"Stop calling me that, you bullying, arrogant toe-rag!" Lily fumed. She was still very close friends with Snape. James and Sirius had made it their life goal to give Snape hell, which resulted in many 'misunderstandings' between James and Lily.

"C'mon, Lily-pad. You know you want me," The curly-haired boy winked again.

"I would never want a bully!" Lily fired back.

"Okay, how about you guys calm down?" Alice smiled awkwardly, even though this was a very usual occurrence, it always made the brunette nervous.

"What- No, why? It's so amusing!" Marlene pouted, her mouth full of food.

"Gross, Marls," Cassiopeia grimaced.

"Go away, Potter."

"Always so harsh, Lily-pad," James sighed dramatically. "I'll see you later, Cassie. Bye, McKinnon, Fortescue!"

"See ya,"

"I don't understand why you keep rejecting him," Marlene raised an eyebrow at Lily. 

Cassiopeia's eyes widened before she groaned, knowing what was about to come. Marlene seemed to realize what she'd done, and she shut her eyes tightly. Alice giggled and looked between her friends in amusement.

"Because," Lily fumed. "He's arrogant, and he's the biggest bully! Black's as big of a bully as Potter too! They always harass poor, innocent Severus for no reason-"

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