Chapter 19

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They all flinched at the slam. The door hadn't opened. James looked around frantically, trying to find a place to hide. Cassiopeia rummaged her brain for any spell she knew that could help them.

A hand was on her arm and she was dragged by James into a closet where the three of them squeezed inside. 

"What are we going to do!?" Sirius whispered frantically.

Cassiopeia lit her wand so they could see each other in the darkness of the wardrobe. 

"Turn it off!" James put her arm down.

Cassiopeia glared at them and muttered under her breath so the light was out. The door swung open, Cassiopeia looked through the small crack in the wardrobe and squinted her eyes. 

She felt James poke his head next to her to look through the open crack, and Sirius did the same but on his knees, as there was no space.

They heard the door slam shut and heavy breaths filled the air. Cassiopeia looked and James who frowned in confusion. They still hadn't seen Lucius or the person he was with.

 Cassiopeia's eyes widened when she heard a moan. She looked at James in horror and he looked at her, mirroring her expression. She shut her eyes, put her fingers in her ears, and leaned back away from the crack. 

Finally, a spell came to mind. Cassiopeia pulled out her wand and pointed it at James. She whispered under her breath. James whipped around as the sensation of water being poured on him hit. He looked at Cassiopeia who had her wand out with wide eyes. 

Cassiopeia tapped Sirius' shoulder to get his attention. He stood up and started looking around for James. "I put a Disillusionment Charm on him," She whispered in his ear and she could feel him stiffen.

She repeated the same motion with Sirius, then herself. She put her hands out until she felt James' hand, she held his hand so they wouldn't get separated since they couldn't see each other.

"I'll open the wardrobe, then we'll run out of here, okay?" James whispered as he was in the middle. "I can't see either of you, so squeeze my hand once if you agree, and twice if you've got a better idea," Cassiopeia squeezed his hand once.

"Sirius has a better idea," Cassiopeia heard James whisper

"I doubt that,"

"He says, we should make as small of a scene as possible, so he'll open the wardrobe just a little and we'll get out one by one. Then when we reach the door, we make a run for it. One squeeze if you agree, twice if you don't," James whispered after a few seconds of silence.

Cassiopeia hated that Sirius had a point, so she squeezed James' hand once. The creak on the wardrobe widened slowly and quietly as Cassiopeia saw a figure emerge out of it. James pulled her hand as he too left the wardrobe. Cassiopeia was last and she slowly got out, then closed the wardrobe with the hand that wasn't in James'.

Cassiopeia felt sick. She heard the bed move vigorously and loud moans along with rough groans. They reached the door and stood behind it. 

"It's locked!" James whispered.

"Unlock it then!"

"Sirius says he can't, there is no key!"

"Is he a wizard or not!?" Cassiopeia almost whisper-shouted.

"He says he doesn't remember the wand movement,"

"Oh move over!" She whispered in frustration. James guided her hand to Sirius' and they switched places, then She and Sirius switched spots so she was behind the door.

One of the loudest moans yet came. "Harder, Lulu!"

"Alohomora!" She muttered when she felt Sirius tug at her arm. A 'click' sound was heard and the moaning was even louder. Before Cassiopeia even had the chance to open the door, she felt something get thrown at her.

Turning around she removed whatever had been tossed at her from her shoulder. Cassiopeia almost threw up when she saw a lacy black pair of underwear. She threw it to the ground and held her mouth so as not to throw up.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Cassiopeia flinched when she heard James yell, eyes widening she looked and saw him throwing Lucius' boxers that had been shoved at him too. Malfoy immediately turned around with wide eyes.

"Who's there!?" Malfoy roared

Cassiopeia opened the door and sprinted out and down the staircase, her hand still interlocked with Sirius'. They ran out of the common room and up the stairs into the Great Hall. The Disillusionment Charm had worn off.

The three of them stood panting with wide eyes and pink cheeks from running.

"I'm traumatized for life..." Cassiopeia finally said after they all caught their breaths.

"That was the most disturbing thing I've ever laid my eyes on!" James continued.

"He was with Narcissa," Sirius said.

"What!? How'd you know?" Cassiopeia's eyes were now wider than before.

"When she spoke, I recognized her voice,"

"Am I missing something?" James looked between the two.

"No, not really. Lucius is my cousin and Narcissa is Sirius',"


"And if their parents found out they'd be in hell of trouble!" Cassiopeia grinned.

"Can we just forget that ever happened?"

"I honestly think I would rather have got caught than watch that," Cassiopeia heard Sirius mutter.

"Oy! At least you didn't get dirty boxers thrown in your face!"

"Nor underwear," Cassiopeia added as she felt herself getting sick.

"I almost pissed myself trying to hold in my laugh," Sirius roared with laughter.

"Whatever," James and Cassiopeia said in sync as they both rolled their eyes.


It's always so painful whenever I start a James Potter fan-fiction knowing how it's gonna end. Yet I continue it to the end, and each time I end up sobbing.

Tell me what you think, lovelies <3

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