Chapter 25

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A jolt of electricity coursed through her veins. 
The world tilted on its axis, leaving her breathless and disoriented.
Her mind went blank, unable to process what had just happened.
Cassiopeia stood frozen, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events.
A deafening silence enveloped the room as the shocking revelation hung in the air like an unspoken curse. Cassiopeia felt her lungs collapse.
She couldn't breathe.

"Listen to me love," Celeste was coming closer to take her daughter's hands. 

Cassiopeia snatched her hands away, looking at the woman in disgust. "Stay away from me," She managed to let out.

"See what you've done, Celeste!? I told you no!"

"She's too smart for her own good, Atticus, she was bound to figure it out sooner or later!" Celeste hissed.

"Who?" Both adults turned their heads back to the little girl. "Who are my real parents?"

It all happened so quickly. Atticus lunged at Cassiopeia, The little girl's eyes widened, she shot a spell at him, and his body went rigid and collapsed, Celeste had taken advantage of the distraction and snatched her wand from the ground and was now pointing it at Cassiopeia.


"Expelliarmus!" Cassiopeia shouted, Celeste blocked the spell easily. Cassiopeia glared at the woman in disgust. "What the hell's wrong with you!?"

"You were never supposed to find out."

"Are you sick in the mind!? You were going to wipe my memory!? Do you not think I deserve to live!? You've taken my entire childhood from me! Leave me alone!"

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Celeste said through gritted teeth.

"Why did you take me away from my real family if you hate me this much?!"

"I didn't-"



Her breath hitched, caught between gasps of astonishment and the suffocating weight of the words falling out of Celeste's mouth.

"I had a baby, he was only a few days old, and...and I found out that he might not be able to make it..." Celeste's voice was now barely a whisper. Cassiopeia only stared at her, waiting to hear her.

"He died," She continued. "Atticus and I were devastated. So, he did the only thing he could think of,"

"The only thing he could think of was kidnapping a child?" Cassiopeia asked in disbelief.

"Yes! She was having twins! We didn't have any! He said he would get the boy, but he only found you. Atticus brought you, we raised you, took care of you-"

"No, you didn't!"

"We didn't want a girl! We were going to have a boy then Atticus brought you! You can not carry the family name." Celeste was now shaking.

"How charming!" Cassiopeia rolled her eyes.

"You were a metamorphmagus-"

"Still am,"

"Your hair colour changed to match mine when you first saw me, and we decided to keep you." The woman continued. "You were taught to not use your abilities, and to keep your hair the same colour as the Malfoys."

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