Chapter 06

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The blood pounded in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingled. Her vision was disfigured as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens.





Although the long table with students wearing red and gold roared in applause, being louder than the rest of the other three houses combined, Cassiopeia couldn't hear a single thing other than her heartbeat. She walked towards her house table in some sort of trance, wide eyes and face pale of all color.

Cassiopeia sat, thinking of all the things her parents would do and say. She knew she didn't want to be in Slytherin, but that was only a thought. 

She had to get into Slytherin, yet here she was, not even in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. She was in Gryffindor. A horrible tugging at the pit of her stomach made her want to throw up. Was that how Sirius was feeling? But he wanted to be the one to 'break the tradition'.

" Hey, are you okay?" A soft voice finally pulled her out of her trance. Blinking once, twice, she looked next to her and saw a girl who looked her age, she had blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes Cassiopeia had ever seen.

" Hm?"

The girl's expression grew more concerned. "I asked if you were okay,"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine,"

"You look like you're going to be sick,"

"Nope, I'm all good!" Cassiopeia put on one of her best fake smiles that she had mastered during all those balls and dinner events.

"Alright then, I'm Marlene McKinnon by the way" She smiled at her.

"I'm Cassiop-"

"Yeah, Cassiopeia Caddel, I know. You took the longest to get sorted and you looked like you were going to throw up when the hat sorted you!" The blonde grinned and Cassiopeia grinned back.

"Stupid hat, honestly."

"And filthy too,"

"That's what I said too!" They both giggled.

"I'm guessing you didn't want to get sorted into Gryffindor?"

"Nope, I wanted Slytherin."

"Nah, I think you'll be better off in Gryffindor,"

"It seems so doesn't it?" She grinned back.

"Seems so." The sorting still wasn't over. Cassiopeia looked around the table and saw that Remus was sorted into Gryffindor too, catching his eye, Cassiopeia smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

She looked around once again and finally saw Sirius sitting by himself looking miserable. She excused herself and went to sit next to him.

"Sirius?" She put a hand on his shoulder. That seemed to snap him out of his daydream-like state. Just like Cassiopeia.

"I told you I'd be the one to break the tradition," He said weakly.

"And you did. How about you don't think about what's gonna happen at Grimmauld Place, and just enjoy the feast and enjoy Hogwarts?" She seemed to be trying to convince her slef not to worry about her parents too.

Sirius' eyes widened as he stared at Cassiopeia. "What? Is there something on my face?" She said panicking as she started to touch her face and hair.

"You.." He pointed a finger at her.

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