Chapter 17

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"What?" Lily groaned as Cassiopeia shook her shoulders harshly.

"Up! Up! Get up!"

"What's going on?" Alice had got up too.

"Marlene! Get up!" Cassiopeia groaned as she shook her shoulders in a harsh manner similar to Lily. Cassiopeia sighed, took out her wand, and pointed it at Marlene's sleeping body.

"What are you doing!?" Lily who was now fully awake looked at Cassiopeia with wide eyes.

"Aguamenti," She muttered. A jet of clear water shot from the tip of her wand and splashed Marlene.

Marlene shot up with a loud gasp, "What the hell?!" she almost shouted.

Cassiopeia looked at her sheepishly. "You wouldn't wake up," She shrugged.

"Why would you even wake us up?! It's-" Marlene looked at her bedside table where her small alarm sat, "-Two in the morning!"

"I wanted to...umm...Err... Explain?"

"Explain what?" Lily spoke.

"Why I did what I did," Cassiopeia sighed.

"There is no explanation needed!" Marlene snapped rather rudely.

"Just listen to what she has to say, Marlene," Alice said smiling.

"Yeah, Marlene. Just listen." Cassiopeia rolled her eyes. "Look, I didn't avoid you because I've got something against muggle-borns, half-bloods, or half-breeds like Marlene explained to you," She looked at Marlene with a knowing look, Marlene flushed red and looked away.

"Go on," Lily folded her arms.

"I was just... I was just worried how my parents might react when they found out," She sighed.

"Your parents?" Marlene looked at her in confusion.

"You know what? Fuck it." Cassiopeia finally said after internally panicking, she sat next to Marlene and looked at them. "Look, my parents are very bad people, they would hurt you if they found out you're my friend. I wouldn't be able to live with that again."

They were all quiet for a minute. Lily looked horrified, Marlene had a frown on her face, and Alice looked at Cassiopeia in concern.

"Again?" Alice asked quietly. Cassiopeia paled and stiffened. what had she done?

"That's not the point,"

"What do you mean by 'again', Cassiopeia?" Lily asked sternly.

"Nothing. What I meant-"

"Have your parents hurt one of your friends before?"

That was it. They wouldn't want to be friends with her anymore. All because of her parents, her dad. Actually, all because of how stupid she was to let something like that slip. Cassiopeia gulped and looked between all their faces.

"Is that what you keep yelling about in your sleep? Don't kill him, don't kill him?" Marlene asked.

"Your parents killed your friend?" Alice asked softly, with- there it was, that stupid, horrid look of pity.

"Look, I can understand if you don't want to be friends anymore-"

"Are you crazy?" Marlene exclaimed.

"Of course, we still want to be your friends! It's just that..."

"That we're worried for you." Alice finished for Lily.

Cassiopeia stared between them in shock. They were still willing to be friends with her, after what they found out. Maybe they hadn't understood right.

"Lily, I don't think you understand-"

"I do. I really do, and I still want to be your friend."

Cassiopeia was speechless. Lily hugged her, Cassiopeia froze. She couldn't remember the last time she had been hugged like this, and she loved it. She hugged Lily back and motioned for the other two girls to join for a group hug.

"You've got to tell me how you did that spell!" Lily giggled when they pulled away.

"The one you used to soak me in freezing cold water, I'm still soaked, you know?" Marlene glared at her playfully.

"Oh loosen up, Marls!" Cassiopeia nudged her. She took out her wand and pointed it at Marlene once again.

"What are you doing!" Marlene exclaimed as she covered her face, ready to get splashed with water again.

"I'm drying you up, you idiot," They all laughed. Cassiopeia cast a Hot-air charm that got Marlene dried up in two minutes.

"You're very good with spells, you know?" Alice spoke.

"Yeah! That water spell you did, it was a conjuration spell, very advanced and is Newt level!"

"Oh, well," Cassiopeia shrugged.

"Can we go back to sleep now?" Marlene asked with a grin.

"I agree,"

Cassiopeia switched off the lights and went to bed with a huge grin on her face. "Goodnight, girls,"

"Night, Cassie,"

"Goodnight, Cass"

"Night, and you better never ever wake me up like that ever again."

They all laughed and went to bed.

A shiver went down her body. It was like a slap on the face. Gasping, Cassiopeia sat up and snapped her eyes open, but immediately covered her eyes due to the blinding light coming from the window next to her.

"Not so fun now when it's being done to you eh?" She heard a voice say through laughs.

"Marlene! I told you not to do it!" Lily scolded.

Cassioepia opened her eyes again. She was soaked from head to toe in water. Marlene stood beside her bed, clutching her stomach as she doubled over in laughter with a big red bucket in her hand.

"You! I'm going to get you back for this!" Cassiopeia stood up and grabbed her wand and pointed it at Marlene.

"No! No! I'm warning you, Caddel!" Marlene put her hands in front of her. "I just wanted to wake you up so you didn't miss breakfast!"

"You could've chosen a better way, you know?" Then, raising her wand, she pointed it at Marlene's head, and with a smirk she muttered, "Colovaria!"

Marlene shut her eyes, she didn't feel anything. Hearing Cassiopeia laugh, she opened her eyes and looked down at her body. nothing had happened. "What did you do?"

"Oh boy!" Alice gasped.

"Marls, What did you do to your hair?" Lily exclaimed before bursting into giggles.

Marlene ran to the mirror and her eyes widened. She had bright green hair. "Turn it back!" She glared at Cassiopeia who was wiping her eyes from laughing.

"I don't know the counter charm," Cassiopeia said, containing laughs.

"WHAT!?" Marlene yelled so loudly that Cassiopeia was sure that the entire Gryffindor tower heard her.

"I'm joking, I'm joking!" Cassiopeia said before roaring with laughter.

"Real funny!" Marlene glared at her. "Stop laughing!" She glared at the other two girls.

After half an hour, the four girls ascended the stairs, Marlene having normal blonde hair again. They walked to the Great Hall and sat together.

Hundreds of owls flew in to deliver mail. Cassiopeia's eyes widened when she caught sight of their family owl. She scanned the Slytherin table. And sure enough, Lucius Malfoy was smirking at her.


Okay, hear me out. I decided to try and read something other than fan-fictions on wattpad. When I tell you it's the most terrifying, horrific, traumatizing, dreadful, gruesome thing I've ever read. I mean it.

Definitely won't be doing that again, yall stay safe though.

Tell me what you think, lovelies <3

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